- Intro
who usually follow or at least occasionally our their blog has certainly heard several times
OWC (those who do not know us, can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwho we are by clicking here
Behind the acronym
OWC hides the title of the long history that we started working at a bland almost a year and a half ago, before increasing the pace in the months ahead.
Now that the pre-production work has been completed and we are well on the actual production, we decided to start a blog dedicated to
OWC in order to have a bank dedicated to the web on which you can put all those materials that could not be accommodated on the volume and - At the same time - can stimulate your curiosity.
As for other comics, including OWC's blog
will work in progress, studies, drawings, tables in preview, but also of material designed specifically for these pages, beginning with the boards of the main characters.
You can read them one at a time from now and gradually in the coming days. We hope you
involving at least what we enjoyed to be achieved in a little 'different than usual.
The main players in the whole affair are portrayed in the image that illustrates quest'intro and passport size photograph in columns that you see on your right.
Also in the column on your right have already seen a mini jukebox: the songs that were chosen can photograph perfectly good part of the atmosphere we would like to recall in
In closing this brief introduction we post the first real advance on the volume, revealing that the title is hidden behind the acronym OWC:
Once Were Criminals (but will have the most acute insight by reading the headers blog) .
We hope to have an increasing number of participants along these tracks that will lead us to the exit of the balloon.
Emiliano and Gianfranco