election, here are some thoughts, published today, E. Berson
<< The reason against the anti-political
Edmond Berson
Edmond Berson
Sunday of public holiday and waiting: the opening of the polls until the policy is entirely virtual. The same figure for the decline in participation is under the veil of uncertainty: the growing turnout is right or left? Comes from the old Union voters disappointed by the right or mobilized by a non-repetitive and old Berlusconi? Or, again, represents the effects of long wave of anti-politics that Beppe Grillo on, and the "Day Vaffa" down, it was downloaded to the Palace, or rather the "caste" as we have learned to say? Anti-politics or not, the electoral climate seems weak. Polls more or less secret and reliable you are off by a few hours, the virus of unofficial exit polls has yet to begin to proliferate, and the afternoon of election day, in addition to the people to the polls, seems to have a protagonist that is only true the phone. Absolute concentration of old and new, the "phone". Indeed, archaic and revolutionary in craft and hyper. Source of evidence of patronage, potential laurismo the millennium, and "Ammuina" as in the case of Mrs. Lonardo Mastella (ringing in the polling station, arrival of Digos, acquittal for lack of camera). But at the same time the phone turns out to be an instrument of political modernity: the rivers of messages sent packet or string from the electronic address books, they invade the cells of different operators and fall into the terminals. With no doubt related, however, that even in the phone version Italians still belong to separate universes, since almost never a message reaches a mobile Berlusconi Veltroni. Even the phones do not communicate, between left and right. However, it is a different form of participation, just as the effective participation shows signs of descent: that is likely to witness these elections are different from those of two years ago. Then appeared a clash of worlds, an ordeal, a trial of God that was to decide the supremacy between anthropology different and incompatible. Today, a war of low intensity, with the assumption of equilibrium and the scarecrow, often fed to art, dell'inciucio.
is true that Silvio Berlusconi in his bed hyperbolically continues to claim the absolute difference between the people of freedom and "communists", now disguised as Democrats. But the truth even the malevolent genius of Knight manages to obscure the profound changes triggered by Walter Veltroni's decision to radically change the competitive format of Italian politics, and to make the essence of the electoral reform without being able to change the law of the rogue porcellum. And in the end these days are not measured but only two worldviews two parties. And then, if we consider seriously the possibility of electoral participation and political crisis, it should once again make a conscious effort of verification. Stress that there is no need to give in to all'antipolitica, a disease that has recently plagued simple and sophisticated environments. In recent days it has taken note of strange positions, where a teacher like Giovanni Sartori, who a few months ago it was shown ingrillito in turn against the "caste", devised a scheme to vote disjoint (PDL vote in the House and Pd in \u200b\u200bthe Senate, or vice versa), which in its eccentricity does not hide the belief that it is appropriate to counteract the policy beginning with its current players. But what is the inevitable conclusion of such reasoning? One: the need for the establishment of a government responsibility or guarantee "that makes the useful reforms to the country." It is the paradoxical result of an action which begins and ends with cries of anti-commissioner with the notables of politics? Not a good idea first, to compare two proposals for the modernization of our country? Not worth to evaluate rigorously the two cultures that are measuring today and tomorrow with the voting public? Not only are the messages simplifiers mobile phones to notify their differences. It is an Italy against an Italy good bad. Not only is the 'hero' Mangano against Falcone and Borsellino. There is rather a political proposal to be measured with the vote, the Democratic Party, explicitly reformist, if anything, that you could ask an even more intense effort against modern annuities, privileges, corporations in the name of competition as an equality effective and therefore an effective social mobility: a heterogeneous alliance which is opposed, in which old liberals have joined protectionism, nationalism, traditional leaders of corporate living at northern secessionists, and self-styled healers have come together across of southern clienteles. Sometimes, even a text message to friends, as a last appeal to the commitment, it is sufficient to identify the substance of an issue. And for this, despite all the frustrations and disappointments that the people of the center has undergone over the past two years, is still worthwhile to exercise a reasonable choice, with confidence, taking the belief that the crisis of politics as usual it comes only with politics, that is, with a presence and a decision, with no shortcuts, and least of all with the abandonment .>>
(April 14, 2008)