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Saul Landau Progreso Semanal
The long recession has reduced power consumption, as he will, now, the "business community" (an oxymoron, since that every company tries to destroy its competitors) to sell his crap to the people who fired, or potential buyers? Advertisers - the vanguard of the "business community" - must somehow bring the "market" to those customers, no money, no credit (idioti!). Spokesmen for the right of the "business community" have fired the workers who once defined hard-working, and now qualify as lazy crooks of social security, while marketers are still trying to figure out how to sell the latest sugary stuff - sorry, 's essential to healthy product with chemical preservatives and flavor additives.
After all, Americans, conditioned by decades of sensory bombardment, they expect to buy new products will bring happiness to Earth and try to buy even the salvation of the Hereafter.
my wife's grandmother has donated money to a TV preacher, dressed in a stark pimp outfit. The Elmer Gantry television has assured the grandmother that God would reward her for her contribution to the cause.
lay preacher tempt us: buy this iPhone, improve your life. Focus groups and consumer surveys to conduct research on products to find out which color makes it more pleasant toothpaste, or the best text to transform the Ex-Lax [1] into something sweet and pleasant. As if ...
Companies like Google, GM [2], Campbell Soup and CBS [3] investing in science and technology that manipulate the brain to send messages to the hands that sign the credit card receipts.
The new "hidden persuaders" (see "The hidden persuaders" by Vance Packard, published half a century ago) implies that the New York Times called "delivering advertising that whisper to the brain" (Natasha Singer, November 13). The "neuromarketing" can sell "dog poop" new and improved "substitute for Botox," eliminate wrinkles and skin abbronzerĂ "if he comes to the brain. The neuromarketing
mocks consumer surveys and focus group "inherently inaccurate." Since the brain uses "only 2% of its energy conscious in the activity, and the rest is largely devoted to unconscious processes, participants can never express the unconscious impressions that stimulate the desire for certain products. "
According to Dr. AK Pradeep, through electronic patch can monitor the level of the subconscious brain, "the area where the initial interest in developing consumer products, the propensity to purchase and brand loyalty." (Founder and CEO of NeuroFocus, Berkeley, California).
NeuroFocus his fellow volunteers to EEG sensors [4] and to an apparatus for detecting eye movement. Volunteers are exposed in advertising or film previews. The "researchers", compare, then the pattern of brain waves with video images or logos that volunteers see "to measure attention, emotion and memory," says Pradeep. "Basically, we compare the response to stimulation of the deep subconscious." By analyzing these electrical patterns, he says, "will be representing the responses of the brain."
The flourishing "business whispers of the brain" has created new "neuro-marketing firms, such as International and Mindlab Neurosense," specializing in the latest techniques of data mining of the mind - EEG (Ndt EEG), magnetic resonance imaging, or eye-tracking methods in biometric older that record the responses of skin, muscle or facial products or in advertising. "
Large companies disappointed by the sales techniques, in a time when consumers are re-educated their buying habits, investing in research on patterns of brain waves, hoping to keep consumers in the outhouse. They will arrive to do some crime to satisfy their habits? This "brainwashing" - the most market-brainwashing attempts to weaken the defense mechanisms of adults to make it more difficult to discern the difference between truth and falsehood.
"But," says Jeff Chester of the Center for Digital Democracy, which works to ensure the privacy of digital, "if the advertising is aimed to circumvent the rational argument, it must be doubted, too, the traditional legal defenses that protect the advertising market. " (The New York Times, November 13).
Dr. Pradeep disagrees. "If convinced to buy the toothpaste A instead of B, will not lose much, but if you persuade them to vote for the President to the President or B, the consequences could be far more important."
Scientists at the Neuromarketing "are able to distinguish whether the emotional response a person is positive or negative, "said Dr. Robert T. Knight (professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of California at Berkeley, and chief scientific adviser to NeuroFocus), but fortunately has not yet perfected the techniques that define whether "the positive response is intimidation or diversion." Knight added that " can be measured only if you are paying attention. " And "the technique has yet to demonstrate that the responses of the brain waves are related to marketing to purchasing behavior." Again?
neuromarketing is a trend that requires further mental gymnastics that combines high technology with banality of the sale. We are still the largest country in world history. Now we spend more money on breast implants and Viagra for research on Alzheimer's. This is a sign of the future.
ridiculed as the late George Carlin: "By 2020 there will be a large elderly population with huge tits Florida and erections, but that will have completely forgotten what they do."
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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A member of an Alternative Public Liguria scoop
Segnalo the Senate acts on 3 and December 7, Ordinary Research Fund:
It is apparent that large sums of money will be borne by the health research for military purposes (including the axis with Israel that Italy is strengthening) and the 'nuclear energy ("From thence the new aspects of the measure, first of all the extraordinary explanation of assignments including those aimed at international business. This allows your opinion A more detailed than before, and subtracts from the availability of research institutions such international initiatives, which amount to approximately € 40 million .) channeled through the National Research Council, whose current deputy is an enthusiastic supporter of creationism (sic)
It should be noted, among other items of expenditure, the applicant partnership with Israel and in particular with the European Project for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), after Israel has been condemned by the international community 's use and testing of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Lebanon (2006) and Gaza (from 2006 and 2010), in particular directed energy and laser weapons, as well as the most popular cluster bombs and white phosphorous.
addition to purely military expenditure as it should be noted the allocation of € 5 million , starting from the current year, for the translation of the Talmud , in collaboration with the Italian Rabbinical College . The sacred text was never translated into Italian and the urgency the stationary is to be placed solely for purposes of propaganda and military alliance by the current government with the State of Israel, in defiance of international condemnation of crimes committed in the Occupied Territories.
addition all'obbrobio Reform and Gelmini gifts, in education, offered to the Vatican, should not be underestimated so distorted and improper uses of research funds, channeled to other purposes: military, nuclear energy, extra-interest to strengthen alliances questionable.
No Summary 262, 07/12/2010
Jobs (area committees); XVI term:
WITHIN THE ADVISORY ON ACTS OF GOVERNMENT Draft Ministerial Decree on the Fund's regular distribution to institutions and research institutions, for the year 2010 (No. 303)
(Opinion to the Minister of Education, University and Research, pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree June 5, 1998, No. 204. Review and referral)
http://www. / service / PDF / PDFServer? BGT type = & id = 514605% EF% BB% BF
Segnalo the Senate acts on 3 and December 7, Ordinary Research Fund:
It is apparent that large sums of money will be borne by the health research for military purposes (including the axis with Israel that Italy is strengthening) and the 'nuclear energy ("From thence the new aspects of the measure, first of all the extraordinary explanation of assignments including those aimed at international business. This allows your opinion A more detailed than before, and subtracts from the availability of research institutions such international initiatives, which amount to approximately € 40 million .) channeled through the National Research Council, whose current deputy is an enthusiastic supporter of creationism (sic)
It should be noted, among other items of expenditure, the applicant partnership with Israel and in particular with the European Project for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), after Israel has been condemned by the international community 's use and testing of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Lebanon (2006) and Gaza (from 2006 and 2010), in particular directed energy and laser weapons, as well as the most popular cluster bombs and white phosphorous.
addition to purely military expenditure as it should be noted the allocation of € 5 million , starting from the current year, for the translation of the Talmud , in collaboration with the Italian Rabbinical College . The sacred text was never translated into Italian and the urgency the stationary is to be placed solely for purposes of propaganda and military alliance by the current government with the State of Israel, in defiance of international condemnation of crimes committed in the Occupied Territories.
addition all'obbrobio Reform and Gelmini gifts, in education, offered to the Vatican, should not be underestimated so distorted and improper uses of research funds, channeled to other purposes: military, nuclear energy, extra-interest to strengthen alliances questionable.
No Summary 262, 07/12/2010
Jobs (area committees); XVI term:
WITHIN THE ADVISORY ON ACTS OF GOVERNMENT Draft Ministerial Decree on the Fund's regular distribution to institutions and research institutions, for the year 2010 (No. 303)
(Opinion to the Minister of Education, University and Research, pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree June 5, 1998, No. 204. Review and referral)
http://www. / service / PDF / PDFServer? BGT type = & id = 514605% EF% BB% BF
Laser Avenger (photo: Boeing)
Severe Toothache And Swelling Jaw
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16/12/2010 Press meeting with
On December 16, 2010, at the headquarters Assist in Naples, there was a meeting between the company Assist the Regional Offices / Regional SLC-CGIL, CISL and UILCOM FISTel-UIL-and RSU / RSA Assist on the following agenda:
-hour breakdown service Vodafone 190
In previous meetings the unions and the RSU / RSA had highlighted the need to change the array shifts because the worse for workers to Assist in terms of reconciliation of life and working time, invited the company to understand the demands that emerged from meetings held after the starting September 27, 2010, the current array.
Assist the Executive Board of the table today unveiled a new articulation time, for employees, engaged activity Vodafone 190, which will apply from 1 February 2011, or at the end of winter vacation plan still in progress .
Here are the highlights of the proposed matrix:
-hour breakdown service Vodafone 190
In previous meetings the unions and the RSU / RSA had highlighted the need to change the array shifts because the worse for workers to Assist in terms of reconciliation of life and working time, invited the company to understand the demands that emerged from meetings held after the starting September 27, 2010, the current array.
Assist the Executive Board of the table today unveiled a new articulation time, for employees, engaged activity Vodafone 190, which will apply from 1 February 2011, or at the end of winter vacation plan still in progress .
Here are the highlights of the proposed matrix:
- The array will be divided into 8 "week" and will involve four teams of employees divided into two sub-teams. Net of freedom and rest, a total of 40 shifts, there will be 19 evenings, 12 and 9 mornings afternoons. For each "week" the company has maintained a schedule of up to 2 / 3 evening shifts alternating morning and afternoon shift.
- On weekends, the staff will be on duty for 50% of Sundays. The Saturday working will be 5 to 8 and will be provided 2 triplets "(1 every 4 weeks), one of which is preceded by a round of morning followed by an evening.
- will be provided for the presence of a one-two week (rest + freedom), preceded by a morning shift and followed by an evening.
- There will be only 3 "head - tail out of a total of 40 shifts. The trade unions
and the RSU / RSA consider positive changes to shift workers, as it improves over the one currently in vogue.
E 'is already scheduling for the session January 12 meeting and referred to the result produced Workers Assist.
Naples, December 16, 2010
- On weekends, the staff will be on duty for 50% of Sundays. The Saturday working will be 5 to 8 and will be provided 2 triplets "(1 every 4 weeks), one of which is preceded by a round of morning followed by an evening.
- will be provided for the presence of a one-two week (rest + freedom), preceded by a morning shift and followed by an evening.
- There will be only 3 "head - tail out of a total of 40 shifts. The trade unions
and the RSU / RSA consider positive changes to shift workers, as it improves over the one currently in vogue.
E 'is already scheduling for the session January 12 meeting and referred to the result produced Workers Assist.
Naples, December 16, 2010
The Regional Offices / Regional Naples and Campania
The RSU / RSA Assist Naples
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
80 Years Old Aspiration Pneumonia
Events Raffaele Bonanni 16 and December 17, 2010 - Naples
Dear friends in my friends,
commitments tomorrow and the day after, that call at Naples once again our Secretary General Raffaele Bonanni, are of absolute political and symbolic value for the whole of Campania CISL.
Raffaele Bonanni, in fact, although in a very delicate phase that puts attention to the rash of fringe social antagonism, welcomed with great concern the invitation of His Eminence, Cardinal Crescenzo Sepe to be present at the torchlight procession that opens the extraordinary Jubilee of the City of Naples.
fact he will be with us tomorrow at 18.30 on December 16 at Harbour Station will start from where the torch will reach Piazza del Plebiscite, also to reiterate the absolute closeness of the CISL national initiative of the Curia of Naples, which has as its explicit goal what to rekindle hope for the future of the City.
Then, Friday, December 17, the initiative is still with us that will be made at the Monumental Complex S. Lorenzo Maggiore, Via Courts, in which remembering the 60th anniversary of the CISL, in a logical thread of continuity, we will give a voice to young people who participated in the project "Young Talents". On this occasion will be the President of the Campania Region, Stefano Caldoro.
E 'then no doubt that the whole organization is called upon to give a response of great cohesion, ensuring the greatest possible participation in both initiatives.
We ask you to mobilize all our human energy and organizational (especially for the torch's friends in Naples and province).
In particular, at the conclusion of the initiative on Friday, taking the opportunity of the presence of Raphael, though a few days in advance, we will exchange the traditional greeting for the holiday season, with a final toast to be held in the Chapter Hall of St. Complex Lorenzo Maggiore.
Thanking you, then, for your further commitment and effort, with the occasion I send you my best regards.
Naples, December 15, 2010

commitments tomorrow and the day after, that call at Naples once again our Secretary General Raffaele Bonanni, are of absolute political and symbolic value for the whole of Campania CISL.
Raffaele Bonanni, in fact, although in a very delicate phase that puts attention to the rash of fringe social antagonism, welcomed with great concern the invitation of His Eminence, Cardinal Crescenzo Sepe to be present at the torchlight procession that opens the extraordinary Jubilee of the City of Naples.
fact he will be with us tomorrow at 18.30 on December 16 at Harbour Station will start from where the torch will reach Piazza del Plebiscite, also to reiterate the absolute closeness of the CISL national initiative of the Curia of Naples, which has as its explicit goal what to rekindle hope for the future of the City.
Then, Friday, December 17, the initiative is still with us that will be made at the Monumental Complex S. Lorenzo Maggiore, Via Courts, in which remembering the 60th anniversary of the CISL, in a logical thread of continuity, we will give a voice to young people who participated in the project "Young Talents". On this occasion will be the President of the Campania Region, Stefano Caldoro.
E 'then no doubt that the whole organization is called upon to give a response of great cohesion, ensuring the greatest possible participation in both initiatives.
We ask you to mobilize all our human energy and organizational (especially for the torch's friends in Naples and province).
In particular, at the conclusion of the initiative on Friday, taking the opportunity of the presence of Raphael, though a few days in advance, we will exchange the traditional greeting for the holiday season, with a final toast to be held in the Chapter Hall of St. Complex Lorenzo Maggiore.
Thanking you, then, for your further commitment and effort, with the occasion I send you my best regards.
Naples, December 15, 2010
The Secretary-General
(Lina Lucci)
Monday, December 13, 2010
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Outside the caste over the net forces are
of Felice Fortunaci - Alternative . The agony of the slow and wasteful government and the widespread perception that the decay has reached the country are releasing forces in recent months and attempts to aggregate from the bottom of the current stalemate that challenge the Berlusconi regime and the "second republic" to revive a ' noble idea and participatory politics. There are countless attempts that move with national and local action-ray: many drops, a lot yes, but who can not be a sea.
actions that go in this direction is not still around to coordinate, standardize the mechanisms proposed and the concrete struggles on common ideas, have not yet shared a great common project, so it still can take the form of a complete alternative to the system of infinite economic growth. In this sense, the struggle to transform good intentions into workable projects and radical change.
The lack of a theoretical synthesis of the current changes, and the lack of a canal to channel the flow of a new mass political representation, are all factors that expose the entire galaxy of movement of the risks that go hand in hand:
The constitutional process now requires a frank and respectful dialogue between people and different associations with the aim of achieving certain milestones, organizational and programmatic.
In light of this process some people show enthusiasm and others legitimately expose doubts and reservations. The need for U.S. and number, or a new political subject foreign to Casta and alternative to the "pensée unique" of the global capitalism (now penetrated into every fold of the intimate social life), but can not be grasped without a clear the emergency we are facing, not just Italians, but as human beings.
The climatic changes, the constant consumption of land and natural resources, pollution and over to the prospects of war are gathering on the horizon for energy supply, forcing us to detect the irreversibility of the current crisis and to promote a net change of course, essential to ensure a viable future and possibly even on a human scale.
not feel this urgency can only be explained in three ways:
The importance of information democratically controlled and accessible to the entire population is a priority and then can help the middle class and subordinates to acquire "weapons" concept adequate to vindicate their rights and restore democracy to the height of his name.
A new way to inform and communicate is essential to bring home to millions of people who are the real risks we are running and to defuse a tricky mental process that in hindsight, many dall'aderire brakes on a new project as U.S. and Various. A logical
no evidence and a correct analysis planetary emergency, it leads to arguments like this: "If we are in such dramatic terms, why should I join the umpteenth new political entity that will put us a long time to count something? Meanwhile those who can vote, who can slow down the deterioration? ".
is this logic, partial but not crazy, to ensnare many people and convince them that it is better to dream of a few "white Obama" inside the caste rather than embark on an adventure that may take some time before deliver results.
In the meantime, however, Obama's not close Guantanamo within the system, do not dare take away tax breaks to the rich, vote for funding the wars, they pursue the myth of the affluent society that sooner or later the race will resume growth without limits. Obama's collapse and prepare to reflux in disappointment and disaffection.
The reasoning that leads to the mirage of leadership must therefore be dismantled for saving contrast to it - by force of reason and argument - the urgency of an immediate escape from the false left-right opposition and the creation of a political organization that produces finally a worthy representative of our Constitution. And here
comes in a choice that, before it was political, and moral self-giving local area networks and the alleged unnecessary to change the caste from the inside (both solutions defeated by history), is to make the leap and join the constitutional process that will be presented in Bologna on December 18 .
Because only those who will grow rapidly, the U.S. and several political project will cultivate good practices in the territory and influence in the first person on the political institutions.
We also believe that building a common communication strategy is essential and a priority issue. Available to all we in the media at the time have, small, but capable of reaching a critical mass in the media system where the movement will support them.
MegaChannelZero, inaugurated by Alternative Web TV, can change in the common platform that will give voice to the realities of today's scattered, a useful tool to overcome last hesitation. It is the life of all.
of Felice Fortunaci - Alternative . The agony of the slow and wasteful government and the widespread perception that the decay has reached the country are releasing forces in recent months and attempts to aggregate from the bottom of the current stalemate that challenge the Berlusconi regime and the "second republic" to revive a ' noble idea and participatory politics. There are countless attempts that move with national and local action-ray: many drops, a lot yes, but who can not be a sea.
actions that go in this direction is not still around to coordinate, standardize the mechanisms proposed and the concrete struggles on common ideas, have not yet shared a great common project, so it still can take the form of a complete alternative to the system of infinite economic growth. In this sense, the struggle to transform good intentions into workable projects and radical change.
The lack of a theoretical synthesis of the current changes, and the lack of a canal to channel the flow of a new mass political representation, are all factors that expose the entire galaxy of movement of the risks that go hand in hand:
1) flatten out again - as did much of the antiwar movement - on the left of the so-called "radical", a piece of class Political finished in a dead end;
2) be limited to operations on the territory even noble, remaining trapped in a 'network approach' which precludes any direct access to organized forms of political and party, giving it throughout their effectiveness at equipment instead very determined to use them with open-mindedness (eg apparatus Mediaset-PDL, Spatial catch-all party of the League, to use the resources of the PD, which can provide years and years of organizational resources that are not zero even in the absence of policy);
3) closed in a spirit of minority, in fact complicit in serious crimes that we witness every day. This third scenario does not exclude the other two, but rather complement it.
To avoid these pitfalls and build a new democratic gathering place, is developing a political novel - tentatively named the United Several - you can count on the initial contribution of some important names of Italian culture (among others include Giulietto Church Alternatively, Maurizio Pallante Movement Degrowth Felice, Monia Benini of For the Common Good, and Fini Massimo Zero Movement). The constitutional process now requires a frank and respectful dialogue between people and different associations with the aim of achieving certain milestones, organizational and programmatic.
In light of this process some people show enthusiasm and others legitimately expose doubts and reservations. The need for U.S. and number, or a new political subject foreign to Casta and alternative to the "pensée unique" of the global capitalism (now penetrated into every fold of the intimate social life), but can not be grasped without a clear the emergency we are facing, not just Italians, but as human beings.
The climatic changes, the constant consumption of land and natural resources, pollution and over to the prospects of war are gathering on the horizon for energy supply, forcing us to detect the irreversibility of the current crisis and to promote a net change of course, essential to ensure a viable future and possibly even on a human scale.
not feel this urgency can only be explained in three ways:
1) the lack of concern for the fate of the community or with the presence of particular interests satisfied by the current economic system
2) the inability point out the scientific data available to us about global warming and the condition of overshooting reached by man as early as the 80s of last century;
3) the lack information is correct and appropriate to the stress change, deliberately concealed from the international media system, which is committed to spreading rather styles totally unsustainable production and consumption.
The importance of information democratically controlled and accessible to the entire population is a priority and then can help the middle class and subordinates to acquire "weapons" concept adequate to vindicate their rights and restore democracy to the height of his name.
A new way to inform and communicate is essential to bring home to millions of people who are the real risks we are running and to defuse a tricky mental process that in hindsight, many dall'aderire brakes on a new project as U.S. and Various. A logical
no evidence and a correct analysis planetary emergency, it leads to arguments like this: "If we are in such dramatic terms, why should I join the umpteenth new political entity that will put us a long time to count something? Meanwhile those who can vote, who can slow down the deterioration? ".
is this logic, partial but not crazy, to ensnare many people and convince them that it is better to dream of a few "white Obama" inside the caste rather than embark on an adventure that may take some time before deliver results.
In the meantime, however, Obama's not close Guantanamo within the system, do not dare take away tax breaks to the rich, vote for funding the wars, they pursue the myth of the affluent society that sooner or later the race will resume growth without limits. Obama's collapse and prepare to reflux in disappointment and disaffection.
The reasoning that leads to the mirage of leadership must therefore be dismantled for saving contrast to it - by force of reason and argument - the urgency of an immediate escape from the false left-right opposition and the creation of a political organization that produces finally a worthy representative of our Constitution. And here
comes in a choice that, before it was political, and moral self-giving local area networks and the alleged unnecessary to change the caste from the inside (both solutions defeated by history), is to make the leap and join the constitutional process that will be presented in Bologna on December 18 .
Because only those who will grow rapidly, the U.S. and several political project will cultivate good practices in the territory and influence in the first person on the political institutions.
We also believe that building a common communication strategy is essential and a priority issue. Available to all we in the media at the time have, small, but capable of reaching a critical mass in the media system where the movement will support them.
MegaChannelZero, inaugurated by Alternative Web TV, can change in the common platform that will give voice to the realities of today's scattered, a useful tool to overcome last hesitation. It is the life of all.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Yamaha Vs. Harmon Kardon 2010
Saturday, December 11 The meeting was a success. Let us repeat.
NATIONAL ASSEMBLY - December 18, 2010
University - Faculty of Education
Via Zamboni, 32
Hours: 10:00 to 18:00
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Ontario Driver Licence Templates
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L 'Ligurian Regional Assembly in view of the National Assembly in Bologna on December 18 of the persons and groups interested in the project "Towards a new political entity: Several U.S. and" will be held Saturday, December 11 from 15 to 18 at the hall Library Finisterre, Piazza di Santa Brigida troughs 25 (Via Balbi) Genoa . is essential that the highest number of participating members. Remember that we are building, do not look like an exaggeration, something historic . |
Friday, December 3, 2010
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Arriva ArcoCral
The ICFTU-Fistel for all its members from now on will available free of charge many advantages through its works committee. Just because Fistel be registered in order to join innuverevoli many discounts such as: - Wellness
- Health
Culture - Theatres
- Leisure
Travel - Tourism
Hotels - Restaurants
- Sports
- Shopping
- Cinema
- Auto
- Legal Assistance
and much, much more.

- Health
Culture - Theatres
- Leisure
Travel - Tourism
Hotels - Restaurants
- Sports
- Shopping
- Cinema
- Auto
- Legal Assistance
and much, much more.
For full details visit ArcoCral or click on the logo. In the next few meetings we will have to explain all the details on how to join such discounts.
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Viola Communications Area Manager Announced
Fistel The secretary-CISL, the RSU and the whole structure is SAS pleased to announce that starting from 1 December 2010 to have his team in a new component of SAS, Viola Annunziata. The role will cover will be "Head of Communications Area". Good luck and Nunzia especially welcome.

Thursday, December 2, 2010
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