Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Body Moisturiser Acne

A member of an Alternative Public Liguria scoop


Segnalo the Senate acts on 3 and December 7, Ordinary Research Fund:

It is apparent that large sums of money will be borne by the health research for military purposes (including the axis with Israel that Italy is strengthening) and the 'nuclear energy ("From thence the new aspects of the measure, first of all the extraordinary explanation of assignments including those aimed at international business. This allows your opinion A more detailed than before, and subtracts from the availability of research institutions such international initiatives, which amount to approximately € 40 million .) channeled through the National Research Council, whose current deputy is an enthusiastic supporter of creationism (sic)

It should be noted, among other items of expenditure, the applicant partnership with Israel and in particular with the European Project for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), after Israel has been condemned by the international community 's use and testing of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Lebanon (2006) and Gaza (from 2006 and 2010), in particular directed energy and laser weapons, as well as the most popular cluster bombs and white phosphorous.

addition to purely military expenditure as it should be noted the allocation of € 5 million , starting from the current year, for the translation of the Talmud , in collaboration with the Italian Rabbinical College . The sacred text was never translated into Italian and the urgency the stationary is to be placed solely for purposes of propaganda and military alliance by the current government with the State of Israel, in defiance of international condemnation of crimes committed in the Occupied Territories.

addition all'obbrobio Reform and Gelmini gifts, in education, offered to the Vatican, should not be underestimated so distorted and improper uses of research funds, channeled to other purposes: military, nuclear energy, extra-interest to strengthen alliances questionable.

No Summary 262, 07/12/2010


Jobs (area committees); XVI term:
WITHIN THE ADVISORY ON ACTS OF GOVERNMENT Draft Ministerial Decree on the Fund's regular distribution to institutions and research institutions, for the year 2010 (No. 303)
(Opinion to the Minister of Education, University and Research, pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree June 5, 1998, No. 204. Review and referral)

http://www. senato.it / service / PDF / PDFServer? BGT type = & id = 514605% EF% BB% BF
Laser Avenger (photo: Boeing)


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