Advertising Alternative!
Saul Landau Progreso Semanal
The long recession has reduced power consumption, as he will, now, the "business community" (an oxymoron, since that every company tries to destroy its competitors) to sell his crap to the people who fired, or potential buyers? Advertisers - the vanguard of the "business community" - must somehow bring the "market" to those customers, no money, no credit (idioti!). Spokesmen for the right of the "business community" have fired the workers who once defined hard-working, and now qualify as lazy crooks of social security, while marketers are still trying to figure out how to sell the latest sugary stuff - sorry, 's essential to healthy product with chemical preservatives and flavor additives.
After all, Americans, conditioned by decades of sensory bombardment, they expect to buy new products will bring happiness to Earth and try to buy even the salvation of the Hereafter.
my wife's grandmother has donated money to a TV preacher, dressed in a stark pimp outfit. The Elmer Gantry television has assured the grandmother that God would reward her for her contribution to the cause.
lay preacher tempt us: buy this iPhone, improve your life. Focus groups and consumer surveys to conduct research on products to find out which color makes it more pleasant toothpaste, or the best text to transform the Ex-Lax [1] into something sweet and pleasant. As if ...
Companies like Google, GM [2], Campbell Soup and CBS [3] investing in science and technology that manipulate the brain to send messages to the hands that sign the credit card receipts.
The new "hidden persuaders" (see "The hidden persuaders" by Vance Packard, published half a century ago) implies that the New York Times called "delivering advertising that whisper to the brain" (Natasha Singer, November 13). The "neuromarketing" can sell "dog poop" new and improved "substitute for Botox," eliminate wrinkles and skin abbronzerĂ "if he comes to the brain. The neuromarketing
mocks consumer surveys and focus group "inherently inaccurate." Since the brain uses "only 2% of its energy conscious in the activity, and the rest is largely devoted to unconscious processes, participants can never express the unconscious impressions that stimulate the desire for certain products. "
According to Dr. AK Pradeep, through electronic patch can monitor the level of the subconscious brain, "the area where the initial interest in developing consumer products, the propensity to purchase and brand loyalty." (Founder and CEO of NeuroFocus, Berkeley, California).
NeuroFocus his fellow volunteers to EEG sensors [4] and to an apparatus for detecting eye movement. Volunteers are exposed in advertising or film previews. The "researchers", compare, then the pattern of brain waves with video images or logos that volunteers see "to measure attention, emotion and memory," says Pradeep. "Basically, we compare the response to stimulation of the deep subconscious." By analyzing these electrical patterns, he says, "will be representing the responses of the brain."
The flourishing "business whispers of the brain" has created new "neuro-marketing firms, such as International and Mindlab Neurosense," specializing in the latest techniques of data mining of the mind - EEG (Ndt EEG), magnetic resonance imaging, or eye-tracking methods in biometric older that record the responses of skin, muscle or facial products or in advertising. "
Large companies disappointed by the sales techniques, in a time when consumers are re-educated their buying habits, investing in research on patterns of brain waves, hoping to keep consumers in the outhouse. They will arrive to do some crime to satisfy their habits? This "brainwashing" - the most market-brainwashing attempts to weaken the defense mechanisms of adults to make it more difficult to discern the difference between truth and falsehood.
"But," says Jeff Chester of the Center for Digital Democracy, which works to ensure the privacy of digital, "if the advertising is aimed to circumvent the rational argument, it must be doubted, too, the traditional legal defenses that protect the advertising market. " (The New York Times, November 13).
Dr. Pradeep disagrees. "If convinced to buy the toothpaste A instead of B, will not lose much, but if you persuade them to vote for the President to the President or B, the consequences could be far more important."
Scientists at the Neuromarketing "are able to distinguish whether the emotional response a person is positive or negative, "said Dr. Robert T. Knight (professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of California at Berkeley, and chief scientific adviser to NeuroFocus), but fortunately has not yet perfected the techniques that define whether "the positive response is intimidation or diversion." Knight added that " can be measured only if you are paying attention. " And "the technique has yet to demonstrate that the responses of the brain waves are related to marketing to purchasing behavior." Again?
neuromarketing is a trend that requires further mental gymnastics that combines high technology with banality of the sale. We are still the largest country in world history. Now we spend more money on breast implants and Viagra for research on Alzheimer's. This is a sign of the future.
ridiculed as the late George Carlin: "By 2020 there will be a large elderly population with huge tits Florida and erections, but that will have completely forgotten what they do."
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