Advertising Alternative!
Saul Landau Progreso Semanal
The long recession has reduced power consumption, as he will, now, the "business community" (an oxymoron, since that every company tries to destroy its competitors) to sell his crap to the people who fired, or potential buyers? Advertisers - the vanguard of the "business community" - must somehow bring the "market" to those customers, no money, no credit (idioti!). Spokesmen for the right of the "business community" have fired the workers who once defined hard-working, and now qualify as lazy crooks of social security, while marketers are still trying to figure out how to sell the latest sugary stuff - sorry, 's essential to healthy product with chemical preservatives and flavor additives.
After all, Americans, conditioned by decades of sensory bombardment, they expect to buy new products will bring happiness to Earth and try to buy even the salvation of the Hereafter.
my wife's grandmother has donated money to a TV preacher, dressed in a stark pimp outfit. The Elmer Gantry television has assured the grandmother that God would reward her for her contribution to the cause.
lay preacher tempt us: buy this iPhone, improve your life. Focus groups and consumer surveys to conduct research on products to find out which color makes it more pleasant toothpaste, or the best text to transform the Ex-Lax [1] into something sweet and pleasant. As if ...
Companies like Google, GM [2], Campbell Soup and CBS [3] investing in science and technology that manipulate the brain to send messages to the hands that sign the credit card receipts.
The new "hidden persuaders" (see "The hidden persuaders" by Vance Packard, published half a century ago) implies that the New York Times called "delivering advertising that whisper to the brain" (Natasha Singer, November 13). The "neuromarketing" can sell "dog poop" new and improved "substitute for Botox," eliminate wrinkles and skin abbronzerà "if he comes to the brain. The neuromarketing
mocks consumer surveys and focus group "inherently inaccurate." Since the brain uses "only 2% of its energy conscious in the activity, and the rest is largely devoted to unconscious processes, participants can never express the unconscious impressions that stimulate the desire for certain products. "
According to Dr. AK Pradeep, through electronic patch can monitor the level of the subconscious brain, "the area where the initial interest in developing consumer products, the propensity to purchase and brand loyalty." (Founder and CEO of NeuroFocus, Berkeley, California).
NeuroFocus his fellow volunteers to EEG sensors [4] and to an apparatus for detecting eye movement. Volunteers are exposed in advertising or film previews. The "researchers", compare, then the pattern of brain waves with video images or logos that volunteers see "to measure attention, emotion and memory," says Pradeep. "Basically, we compare the response to stimulation of the deep subconscious." By analyzing these electrical patterns, he says, "will be representing the responses of the brain."
The flourishing "business whispers of the brain" has created new "neuro-marketing firms, such as International and Mindlab Neurosense," specializing in the latest techniques of data mining of the mind - EEG (Ndt EEG), magnetic resonance imaging, or eye-tracking methods in biometric older that record the responses of skin, muscle or facial products or in advertising. "
Large companies disappointed by the sales techniques, in a time when consumers are re-educated their buying habits, investing in research on patterns of brain waves, hoping to keep consumers in the outhouse. They will arrive to do some crime to satisfy their habits? This "brainwashing" - the most market-brainwashing attempts to weaken the defense mechanisms of adults to make it more difficult to discern the difference between truth and falsehood.
"But," says Jeff Chester of the Center for Digital Democracy, which works to ensure the privacy of digital, "if the advertising is aimed to circumvent the rational argument, it must be doubted, too, the traditional legal defenses that protect the advertising market. " (The New York Times, November 13).
Dr. Pradeep disagrees. "If convinced to buy the toothpaste A instead of B, will not lose much, but if you persuade them to vote for the President to the President or B, the consequences could be far more important."
Scientists at the Neuromarketing "are able to distinguish whether the emotional response a person is positive or negative, "said Dr. Robert T. Knight (professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of California at Berkeley, and chief scientific adviser to NeuroFocus), but fortunately has not yet perfected the techniques that define whether "the positive response is intimidation or diversion." Knight added that " can be measured only if you are paying attention. " And "the technique has yet to demonstrate that the responses of the brain waves are related to marketing to purchasing behavior." Again?
neuromarketing is a trend that requires further mental gymnastics that combines high technology with banality of the sale. We are still the largest country in world history. Now we spend more money on breast implants and Viagra for research on Alzheimer's. This is a sign of the future.
ridiculed as the late George Carlin: "By 2020 there will be a large elderly population with huge tits Florida and erections, but that will have completely forgotten what they do."
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Body Moisturiser Acne
A member of an Alternative Public Liguria scoop
Segnalo the Senate acts on 3 and December 7, Ordinary Research Fund:
It is apparent that large sums of money will be borne by the health research for military purposes (including the axis with Israel that Italy is strengthening) and the 'nuclear energy ("From thence the new aspects of the measure, first of all the extraordinary explanation of assignments including those aimed at international business. This allows your opinion A more detailed than before, and subtracts from the availability of research institutions such international initiatives, which amount to approximately € 40 million .) channeled through the National Research Council, whose current deputy is an enthusiastic supporter of creationism (sic)
It should be noted, among other items of expenditure, the applicant partnership with Israel and in particular with the European Project for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), after Israel has been condemned by the international community 's use and testing of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Lebanon (2006) and Gaza (from 2006 and 2010), in particular directed energy and laser weapons, as well as the most popular cluster bombs and white phosphorous.
addition to purely military expenditure as it should be noted the allocation of € 5 million , starting from the current year, for the translation of the Talmud , in collaboration with the Italian Rabbinical College . The sacred text was never translated into Italian and the urgency the stationary is to be placed solely for purposes of propaganda and military alliance by the current government with the State of Israel, in defiance of international condemnation of crimes committed in the Occupied Territories.
addition all'obbrobio Reform and Gelmini gifts, in education, offered to the Vatican, should not be underestimated so distorted and improper uses of research funds, channeled to other purposes: military, nuclear energy, extra-interest to strengthen alliances questionable.
No Summary 262, 07/12/2010
Jobs (area committees); XVI term:
WITHIN THE ADVISORY ON ACTS OF GOVERNMENT Draft Ministerial Decree on the Fund's regular distribution to institutions and research institutions, for the year 2010 (No. 303)
(Opinion to the Minister of Education, University and Research, pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree June 5, 1998, No. 204. Review and referral)
http://www. / service / PDF / PDFServer? BGT type = & id = 514605% EF% BB% BF
Segnalo the Senate acts on 3 and December 7, Ordinary Research Fund:
It is apparent that large sums of money will be borne by the health research for military purposes (including the axis with Israel that Italy is strengthening) and the 'nuclear energy ("From thence the new aspects of the measure, first of all the extraordinary explanation of assignments including those aimed at international business. This allows your opinion A more detailed than before, and subtracts from the availability of research institutions such international initiatives, which amount to approximately € 40 million .) channeled through the National Research Council, whose current deputy is an enthusiastic supporter of creationism (sic)
It should be noted, among other items of expenditure, the applicant partnership with Israel and in particular with the European Project for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), after Israel has been condemned by the international community 's use and testing of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Lebanon (2006) and Gaza (from 2006 and 2010), in particular directed energy and laser weapons, as well as the most popular cluster bombs and white phosphorous.
addition to purely military expenditure as it should be noted the allocation of € 5 million , starting from the current year, for the translation of the Talmud , in collaboration with the Italian Rabbinical College . The sacred text was never translated into Italian and the urgency the stationary is to be placed solely for purposes of propaganda and military alliance by the current government with the State of Israel, in defiance of international condemnation of crimes committed in the Occupied Territories.
addition all'obbrobio Reform and Gelmini gifts, in education, offered to the Vatican, should not be underestimated so distorted and improper uses of research funds, channeled to other purposes: military, nuclear energy, extra-interest to strengthen alliances questionable.
No Summary 262, 07/12/2010
Jobs (area committees); XVI term:
WITHIN THE ADVISORY ON ACTS OF GOVERNMENT Draft Ministerial Decree on the Fund's regular distribution to institutions and research institutions, for the year 2010 (No. 303)
(Opinion to the Minister of Education, University and Research, pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree June 5, 1998, No. 204. Review and referral)
http://www. / service / PDF / PDFServer? BGT type = & id = 514605% EF% BB% BF
Laser Avenger (photo: Boeing)
Severe Toothache And Swelling Jaw
Tattoo Robinsons Galleria
16/12/2010 Press meeting with
On December 16, 2010, at the headquarters Assist in Naples, there was a meeting between the company Assist the Regional Offices / Regional SLC-CGIL, CISL and UILCOM FISTel-UIL-and RSU / RSA Assist on the following agenda:
-hour breakdown service Vodafone 190
In previous meetings the unions and the RSU / RSA had highlighted the need to change the array shifts because the worse for workers to Assist in terms of reconciliation of life and working time, invited the company to understand the demands that emerged from meetings held after the starting September 27, 2010, the current array.
Assist the Executive Board of the table today unveiled a new articulation time, for employees, engaged activity Vodafone 190, which will apply from 1 February 2011, or at the end of winter vacation plan still in progress .
Here are the highlights of the proposed matrix:
-hour breakdown service Vodafone 190
In previous meetings the unions and the RSU / RSA had highlighted the need to change the array shifts because the worse for workers to Assist in terms of reconciliation of life and working time, invited the company to understand the demands that emerged from meetings held after the starting September 27, 2010, the current array.
Assist the Executive Board of the table today unveiled a new articulation time, for employees, engaged activity Vodafone 190, which will apply from 1 February 2011, or at the end of winter vacation plan still in progress .
Here are the highlights of the proposed matrix:
- The array will be divided into 8 "week" and will involve four teams of employees divided into two sub-teams. Net of freedom and rest, a total of 40 shifts, there will be 19 evenings, 12 and 9 mornings afternoons. For each "week" the company has maintained a schedule of up to 2 / 3 evening shifts alternating morning and afternoon shift.
- On weekends, the staff will be on duty for 50% of Sundays. The Saturday working will be 5 to 8 and will be provided 2 triplets "(1 every 4 weeks), one of which is preceded by a round of morning followed by an evening.
- will be provided for the presence of a one-two week (rest + freedom), preceded by a morning shift and followed by an evening.
- There will be only 3 "head - tail out of a total of 40 shifts. The trade unions
and the RSU / RSA consider positive changes to shift workers, as it improves over the one currently in vogue.
E 'is already scheduling for the session January 12 meeting and referred to the result produced Workers Assist.
Naples, December 16, 2010
- On weekends, the staff will be on duty for 50% of Sundays. The Saturday working will be 5 to 8 and will be provided 2 triplets "(1 every 4 weeks), one of which is preceded by a round of morning followed by an evening.
- will be provided for the presence of a one-two week (rest + freedom), preceded by a morning shift and followed by an evening.
- There will be only 3 "head - tail out of a total of 40 shifts. The trade unions
and the RSU / RSA consider positive changes to shift workers, as it improves over the one currently in vogue.
E 'is already scheduling for the session January 12 meeting and referred to the result produced Workers Assist.
Naples, December 16, 2010
The Regional Offices / Regional Naples and Campania
The RSU / RSA Assist Naples
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
80 Years Old Aspiration Pneumonia
Events Raffaele Bonanni 16 and December 17, 2010 - Naples
Dear friends in my friends,
commitments tomorrow and the day after, that call at Naples once again our Secretary General Raffaele Bonanni, are of absolute political and symbolic value for the whole of Campania CISL.
Raffaele Bonanni, in fact, although in a very delicate phase that puts attention to the rash of fringe social antagonism, welcomed with great concern the invitation of His Eminence, Cardinal Crescenzo Sepe to be present at the torchlight procession that opens the extraordinary Jubilee of the City of Naples.
fact he will be with us tomorrow at 18.30 on December 16 at Harbour Station will start from where the torch will reach Piazza del Plebiscite, also to reiterate the absolute closeness of the CISL national initiative of the Curia of Naples, which has as its explicit goal what to rekindle hope for the future of the City.
Then, Friday, December 17, the initiative is still with us that will be made at the Monumental Complex S. Lorenzo Maggiore, Via Courts, in which remembering the 60th anniversary of the CISL, in a logical thread of continuity, we will give a voice to young people who participated in the project "Young Talents". On this occasion will be the President of the Campania Region, Stefano Caldoro.
E 'then no doubt that the whole organization is called upon to give a response of great cohesion, ensuring the greatest possible participation in both initiatives.
We ask you to mobilize all our human energy and organizational (especially for the torch's friends in Naples and province).
In particular, at the conclusion of the initiative on Friday, taking the opportunity of the presence of Raphael, though a few days in advance, we will exchange the traditional greeting for the holiday season, with a final toast to be held in the Chapter Hall of St. Complex Lorenzo Maggiore.
Thanking you, then, for your further commitment and effort, with the occasion I send you my best regards.
Naples, December 15, 2010

commitments tomorrow and the day after, that call at Naples once again our Secretary General Raffaele Bonanni, are of absolute political and symbolic value for the whole of Campania CISL.
Raffaele Bonanni, in fact, although in a very delicate phase that puts attention to the rash of fringe social antagonism, welcomed with great concern the invitation of His Eminence, Cardinal Crescenzo Sepe to be present at the torchlight procession that opens the extraordinary Jubilee of the City of Naples.
fact he will be with us tomorrow at 18.30 on December 16 at Harbour Station will start from where the torch will reach Piazza del Plebiscite, also to reiterate the absolute closeness of the CISL national initiative of the Curia of Naples, which has as its explicit goal what to rekindle hope for the future of the City.
Then, Friday, December 17, the initiative is still with us that will be made at the Monumental Complex S. Lorenzo Maggiore, Via Courts, in which remembering the 60th anniversary of the CISL, in a logical thread of continuity, we will give a voice to young people who participated in the project "Young Talents". On this occasion will be the President of the Campania Region, Stefano Caldoro.
E 'then no doubt that the whole organization is called upon to give a response of great cohesion, ensuring the greatest possible participation in both initiatives.
We ask you to mobilize all our human energy and organizational (especially for the torch's friends in Naples and province).
In particular, at the conclusion of the initiative on Friday, taking the opportunity of the presence of Raphael, though a few days in advance, we will exchange the traditional greeting for the holiday season, with a final toast to be held in the Chapter Hall of St. Complex Lorenzo Maggiore.
Thanking you, then, for your further commitment and effort, with the occasion I send you my best regards.
Naples, December 15, 2010
The Secretary-General
(Lina Lucci)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Psychiatrist Salary In Germany
Outside the caste over the net forces are
of Felice Fortunaci - Alternative . The agony of the slow and wasteful government and the widespread perception that the decay has reached the country are releasing forces in recent months and attempts to aggregate from the bottom of the current stalemate that challenge the Berlusconi regime and the "second republic" to revive a ' noble idea and participatory politics. There are countless attempts that move with national and local action-ray: many drops, a lot yes, but who can not be a sea.
actions that go in this direction is not still around to coordinate, standardize the mechanisms proposed and the concrete struggles on common ideas, have not yet shared a great common project, so it still can take the form of a complete alternative to the system of infinite economic growth. In this sense, the struggle to transform good intentions into workable projects and radical change.
The lack of a theoretical synthesis of the current changes, and the lack of a canal to channel the flow of a new mass political representation, are all factors that expose the entire galaxy of movement of the risks that go hand in hand:
The constitutional process now requires a frank and respectful dialogue between people and different associations with the aim of achieving certain milestones, organizational and programmatic.
In light of this process some people show enthusiasm and others legitimately expose doubts and reservations. The need for U.S. and number, or a new political subject foreign to Casta and alternative to the "pensée unique" of the global capitalism (now penetrated into every fold of the intimate social life), but can not be grasped without a clear the emergency we are facing, not just Italians, but as human beings.
The climatic changes, the constant consumption of land and natural resources, pollution and over to the prospects of war are gathering on the horizon for energy supply, forcing us to detect the irreversibility of the current crisis and to promote a net change of course, essential to ensure a viable future and possibly even on a human scale.
not feel this urgency can only be explained in three ways:
The importance of information democratically controlled and accessible to the entire population is a priority and then can help the middle class and subordinates to acquire "weapons" concept adequate to vindicate their rights and restore democracy to the height of his name.
A new way to inform and communicate is essential to bring home to millions of people who are the real risks we are running and to defuse a tricky mental process that in hindsight, many dall'aderire brakes on a new project as U.S. and Various. A logical
no evidence and a correct analysis planetary emergency, it leads to arguments like this: "If we are in such dramatic terms, why should I join the umpteenth new political entity that will put us a long time to count something? Meanwhile those who can vote, who can slow down the deterioration? ".
is this logic, partial but not crazy, to ensnare many people and convince them that it is better to dream of a few "white Obama" inside the caste rather than embark on an adventure that may take some time before deliver results.
In the meantime, however, Obama's not close Guantanamo within the system, do not dare take away tax breaks to the rich, vote for funding the wars, they pursue the myth of the affluent society that sooner or later the race will resume growth without limits. Obama's collapse and prepare to reflux in disappointment and disaffection.
The reasoning that leads to the mirage of leadership must therefore be dismantled for saving contrast to it - by force of reason and argument - the urgency of an immediate escape from the false left-right opposition and the creation of a political organization that produces finally a worthy representative of our Constitution. And here
comes in a choice that, before it was political, and moral self-giving local area networks and the alleged unnecessary to change the caste from the inside (both solutions defeated by history), is to make the leap and join the constitutional process that will be presented in Bologna on December 18 .
Because only those who will grow rapidly, the U.S. and several political project will cultivate good practices in the territory and influence in the first person on the political institutions.
We also believe that building a common communication strategy is essential and a priority issue. Available to all we in the media at the time have, small, but capable of reaching a critical mass in the media system where the movement will support them.
MegaChannelZero, inaugurated by Alternative Web TV, can change in the common platform that will give voice to the realities of today's scattered, a useful tool to overcome last hesitation. It is the life of all.
of Felice Fortunaci - Alternative . The agony of the slow and wasteful government and the widespread perception that the decay has reached the country are releasing forces in recent months and attempts to aggregate from the bottom of the current stalemate that challenge the Berlusconi regime and the "second republic" to revive a ' noble idea and participatory politics. There are countless attempts that move with national and local action-ray: many drops, a lot yes, but who can not be a sea.
actions that go in this direction is not still around to coordinate, standardize the mechanisms proposed and the concrete struggles on common ideas, have not yet shared a great common project, so it still can take the form of a complete alternative to the system of infinite economic growth. In this sense, the struggle to transform good intentions into workable projects and radical change.
The lack of a theoretical synthesis of the current changes, and the lack of a canal to channel the flow of a new mass political representation, are all factors that expose the entire galaxy of movement of the risks that go hand in hand:
1) flatten out again - as did much of the antiwar movement - on the left of the so-called "radical", a piece of class Political finished in a dead end;
2) be limited to operations on the territory even noble, remaining trapped in a 'network approach' which precludes any direct access to organized forms of political and party, giving it throughout their effectiveness at equipment instead very determined to use them with open-mindedness (eg apparatus Mediaset-PDL, Spatial catch-all party of the League, to use the resources of the PD, which can provide years and years of organizational resources that are not zero even in the absence of policy);
3) closed in a spirit of minority, in fact complicit in serious crimes that we witness every day. This third scenario does not exclude the other two, but rather complement it.
To avoid these pitfalls and build a new democratic gathering place, is developing a political novel - tentatively named the United Several - you can count on the initial contribution of some important names of Italian culture (among others include Giulietto Church Alternatively, Maurizio Pallante Movement Degrowth Felice, Monia Benini of For the Common Good, and Fini Massimo Zero Movement). The constitutional process now requires a frank and respectful dialogue between people and different associations with the aim of achieving certain milestones, organizational and programmatic.
In light of this process some people show enthusiasm and others legitimately expose doubts and reservations. The need for U.S. and number, or a new political subject foreign to Casta and alternative to the "pensée unique" of the global capitalism (now penetrated into every fold of the intimate social life), but can not be grasped without a clear the emergency we are facing, not just Italians, but as human beings.
The climatic changes, the constant consumption of land and natural resources, pollution and over to the prospects of war are gathering on the horizon for energy supply, forcing us to detect the irreversibility of the current crisis and to promote a net change of course, essential to ensure a viable future and possibly even on a human scale.
not feel this urgency can only be explained in three ways:
1) the lack of concern for the fate of the community or with the presence of particular interests satisfied by the current economic system
2) the inability point out the scientific data available to us about global warming and the condition of overshooting reached by man as early as the 80s of last century;
3) the lack information is correct and appropriate to the stress change, deliberately concealed from the international media system, which is committed to spreading rather styles totally unsustainable production and consumption.
The importance of information democratically controlled and accessible to the entire population is a priority and then can help the middle class and subordinates to acquire "weapons" concept adequate to vindicate their rights and restore democracy to the height of his name.
A new way to inform and communicate is essential to bring home to millions of people who are the real risks we are running and to defuse a tricky mental process that in hindsight, many dall'aderire brakes on a new project as U.S. and Various. A logical
no evidence and a correct analysis planetary emergency, it leads to arguments like this: "If we are in such dramatic terms, why should I join the umpteenth new political entity that will put us a long time to count something? Meanwhile those who can vote, who can slow down the deterioration? ".
is this logic, partial but not crazy, to ensnare many people and convince them that it is better to dream of a few "white Obama" inside the caste rather than embark on an adventure that may take some time before deliver results.
In the meantime, however, Obama's not close Guantanamo within the system, do not dare take away tax breaks to the rich, vote for funding the wars, they pursue the myth of the affluent society that sooner or later the race will resume growth without limits. Obama's collapse and prepare to reflux in disappointment and disaffection.
The reasoning that leads to the mirage of leadership must therefore be dismantled for saving contrast to it - by force of reason and argument - the urgency of an immediate escape from the false left-right opposition and the creation of a political organization that produces finally a worthy representative of our Constitution. And here
comes in a choice that, before it was political, and moral self-giving local area networks and the alleged unnecessary to change the caste from the inside (both solutions defeated by history), is to make the leap and join the constitutional process that will be presented in Bologna on December 18 .
Because only those who will grow rapidly, the U.S. and several political project will cultivate good practices in the territory and influence in the first person on the political institutions.
We also believe that building a common communication strategy is essential and a priority issue. Available to all we in the media at the time have, small, but capable of reaching a critical mass in the media system where the movement will support them.
MegaChannelZero, inaugurated by Alternative Web TV, can change in the common platform that will give voice to the realities of today's scattered, a useful tool to overcome last hesitation. It is the life of all.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Yamaha Vs. Harmon Kardon 2010
Saturday, December 11 The meeting was a success. Let us repeat.
NATIONAL ASSEMBLY - December 18, 2010
University - Faculty of Education
Via Zamboni, 32
Hours: 10:00 to 18:00
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Ontario Driver Licence Templates
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L 'Ligurian Regional Assembly in view of the National Assembly in Bologna on December 18 of the persons and groups interested in the project "Towards a new political entity: Several U.S. and" will be held Saturday, December 11 from 15 to 18 at the hall Library Finisterre, Piazza di Santa Brigida troughs 25 (Via Balbi) Genoa . is essential that the highest number of participating members. Remember that we are building, do not look like an exaggeration, something historic . |
Friday, December 3, 2010
Lower Part Of Descending Colon Pain
Arriva ArcoCral
The ICFTU-Fistel for all its members from now on will available free of charge many advantages through its works committee. Just because Fistel be registered in order to join innuverevoli many discounts such as: - Wellness
- Health
Culture - Theatres
- Leisure
Travel - Tourism
Hotels - Restaurants
- Sports
- Shopping
- Cinema
- Auto
- Legal Assistance
and much, much more.

- Health
Culture - Theatres
- Leisure
Travel - Tourism
Hotels - Restaurants
- Sports
- Shopping
- Cinema
- Auto
- Legal Assistance
and much, much more.
For full details visit ArcoCral or click on the logo. In the next few meetings we will have to explain all the details on how to join such discounts.
Difference Between Lithium And Alkaline Batteries
Viola Communications Area Manager Announced
Fistel The secretary-CISL, the RSU and the whole structure is SAS pleased to announce that starting from 1 December 2010 to have his team in a new component of SAS, Viola Annunziata. The role will cover will be "Head of Communications Area". Good luck and Nunzia especially welcome.

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Property Rate In Khar Ghar
Bonus week 48-52
The race in question will be based primarily on the outcome of the CSI with additional focus on other KPIs (eg. NBA). A necessary condition for the payment of bonuses: only if the center will be obtained on the closing month of December a

CSI> = 82 and the NBA> 20%.
Each team will have a "reservoir" virtual that every week you will enrich with "tokens" according to their performance on a scale established - shown below. At the end of the race these "tanks" will be quantified and ranked, then transforming the jackpot reached in overall economic bonus for each team will be divided between individual rep.
The value of each coin is € 70.00.
The following are details of the thresholds: Table
CSI Token
0.00 to 70.00 70.01 to 71.00 71.01 to 72.00 -8 -9
72.01 -7 -6 -73.00 73.01-74.00
74.01 to 75.00 75.01 to 76.00 -4 -5
76.01 to 77.00 77.01 to 78.00
-3 -2 -1
78.01 to 79.00 79.01 to 80.00 80.01 to 81.00 1 0
81, 01 to 82.00 82.01 to 83.00
2 3 4
83.01 to 84.00 84.01 to 85.00 85.01 to 86.00 6 5
86.01 to 87.00 87.01 to 88.00 88.01 to 89.00
7 8 9 13 89.01 to 100.00
Downstream of achieving the target minimum requirements listed above, will be awarded to the first 3 teams classified according to the following table: 1st Place Team
conversion € in 100% of the jackpot reached
Team 2nd place €
conversion of 75% of the jackpot reached
Team 3rd Place
conversion of 50% in € jackpot reached
Additional conditions and variables
If the center has reached a CSI closing month December> = 83 will be charged at the rate (the value of each coin will € 90.00 instead of € 70.00 ).
The prize money will be allocated resources in proportion to the paid hours worked during the reference period (excluding holidays-allowed-disease-etc.).
will be visible to operators around the 190 a weekly chart based on the number of tokens gained by each team.
In case of a tie in the standings (equivalent number of coins met) will be considered the highest closing value Csi month December of each team in case of equivalent value between the CSI team in a tie will take into account the value the higher the NBA.
The value of each coin is € 70.00.
The following are details of the thresholds: Table
CSI Token
0.00 to 70.00 70.01 to 71.00 71.01 to 72.00 -8 -9
72.01 -7 -6 -73.00 73.01-74.00
74.01 to 75.00 75.01 to 76.00 -4 -5
76.01 to 77.00 77.01 to 78.00
-3 -2 -1
78.01 to 79.00 79.01 to 80.00 80.01 to 81.00 1 0
81, 01 to 82.00 82.01 to 83.00
2 3 4
83.01 to 84.00 84.01 to 85.00 85.01 to 86.00 6 5
86.01 to 87.00 87.01 to 88.00 88.01 to 89.00
7 8 9 13 89.01 to 100.00
Downstream of achieving the target minimum requirements listed above, will be awarded to the first 3 teams classified according to the following table: 1st Place Team
conversion € in 100% of the jackpot reached
Team 2nd place €
conversion of 75% of the jackpot reached
Team 3rd Place
conversion of 50% in € jackpot reached
Additional conditions and variables
If the center has reached a CSI closing month December> = 83 will be charged at the rate (the value of each coin will € 90.00 instead of € 70.00 ).
The prize money will be allocated resources in proportion to the paid hours worked during the reference period (excluding holidays-allowed-disease-etc.).
will be visible to operators around the 190 a weekly chart based on the number of tokens gained by each team.
In case of a tie in the standings (equivalent number of coins met) will be considered the highest closing value Csi month December of each team in case of equivalent value between the CSI team in a tie will take into account the value the higher the NBA.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tarnów Willa Strusinska
An article recommended by Marino Badiale / 3
| | |
Source: Campoantimperialista |
Written by Leonardo Mazzei |
Sunday, November 28, 2010 15:35 |
two weeks-ending political crisis of the Berlusconi government was put in the freezer for a bipartisan move of the President of the Republic. The freeze was justified by the need to adopt the so-called "Law of stability", but in fact the main goals of traccheggiare quirinalizio are quite different. In this way, Napolitano - a living proof of the well-known law that every president of the republic can always do to regret (and they will!) Its predecessors - it has managed to please both Berlusconi's party, as the front and heterogeneous is trying to unseat the knight, and in particular its component third-monopolist. The latter had a good month or so available to develop their designs, while the head of government had the gift of being able to fix the date of the vote on the trust inherent to December 14, coincidentally the day that is provided the Constitutional Court ruling on "legal impediment". Obviously, that day will be "impeded" in their present Berlusconi's lawyers, Nicolo Ghedini and Piero Longo, both engaged in a crucial parliamentary vote of confidence. Will take advantage of these well-known shyster nice opportunity given him by former "foreign minister" of the Communist Party? Certainly not if they have sufficient safeguards on decisions of the Consulta, certainly yes, otherwise. But the freeze has another reason for being: all the protagonists of this unfortunate political season do not yet know exactly how to get on. Berlusconi is at sunset, but not seen sunrises. We are therefore right in the heart of a profound crisis the outcome still uncertain. A crisis that do not play only in the palaces of the policy, which he sees as the top riders in the leading exponents of Italian capitalism (just think of the daily operations of Marcegaglia, Montezemolo and Marchionne), and reappeared on the scene a shot - for now timid and insufficient, but still significant - of social conflict. The scenario is the backdrop to all this is that the economic crisis, and in particular the recurrence as the central node of the "sovereign debt". After Ireland, Greece touched that they must care horse imposed by the European Union. And while the attack is already under way to Portugal, the question is: when will the second round of the I (like Italy) PIIGS so-called? ********** Possible outlets for this situation should therefore be identified in the light of all these factors. Meanwhile, however, from two points: the irreversible crisis of Berlusconi (understood here in the strict sense, but in a broader sense, as the overall politico-cultural phenomenon, the speech is necessarily more complex), and the extreme unlikelihood that a Berlusconi dressed as Dorothy (see article in the October 4 ) accept the order to negotiate the terms of his surrender. On the first point there is little to add to what has been written on many occasions: the parable of Scrooge of Arcore is now finished. Only fools could not see, a year ago, the gradual fall (of credibility, clarity, leadership skills) the Head of Government. What then was already visible to those who did not stop at appearances, has now become so obvious as to be recognized by all. The point is, however, another, the fact that the crisis of credibility not only invests the government, but also all the parliamentary opposition, Berlusconi still leaves some chance . The question then is to understand how if want to play. And here we come to the second point. The political processes are often full of the most diverse factors. Of course, ultimately, they depend mainly than economic. But "ultimately" does not mean mechanically. If not we already established a government at Palazzo Chigi Dragons, supported by a large parliamentary majority. A government delegate to pass a massive maneuver tears and blood, but more "presentable" in Italy and abroad. It is no secret that this is the dream and the draft of the ruling oligarchies, and it is likely that "ultimately" it ends up true. But try to understand what will be the type and duration of the journey between now and the end point is likely this issue far from irrelevant. In theory, in the light of the current parliamentary factions, There are at least four possibilities: 1) Berlusconi gets too narrow a confidence in the House and continues to carry on (the famous "pull a living" memory of Andreotti). 2) The government loses a confidence vote in the Senate, but not in the House (the mouth early elections almost certain). 3) Berlusconi is discouraged by both houses of parliament, paving the way for a possible turnaround. 4) In addition to the various scenarios described above, opens a crisis that saw the pilot re-entry in the majority of Finian and (possibly variable) maybe UDC. In summary, the chances are "pulling a living," the elections, the reversal and a new edition of "House of Liberty." Obviously each of these theoretical possibilities includes within it a very wide range of variables. You can "pull a living" because there is no other option, or for future developments. You can go to elections with the current government, or another established specifically to manage them. One can imagine a tight turnaround (Model 1994/1995) or a larger one when the PDL really collapses. So how could we have a turnaround mainly aimed to approve a new electoral law (assuming that it is losing share), or a company and therefore motivated by the emergence "of the legislature." We could continue, but this is a sport that willingly leave to those who, having to fill the pages of daily newspapers of domestic politics, it ends up also credited the most extravagant hypothesis, usually intended to last for the space of a morning. ********** In recent days is an extraordinary act forcing face reversals, in particular of the third-monopolist (Finian, UDC, Montezemolo), which, practically all 'in unison with the president of Confindustria, claiming two seemingly contradictory things: that Berlusconi go away, they are prevented early elections. Since the strength of this block can not be underestimated in any way, it is clear that we must exclude the hypothesis No. 4, that of a Berlusconi. They have stalled for a long time, demonstrating their difficulties, but could hardly agree to leave once the Knight in the saddle. writer (at the risk of being blatantly contradicted by the facts) does not believe that the recruitment drive under way on both sides of parliament can have decisive successes either in one way or another, in view of 14 December. It follows that the hypothesis No. 1 ("pull a living" by a narrow majority) should be considered highly unlikely, due to the absence of that majority in the House. then remain in the field hypothesis 2 (elections) and 3 (reversal). Just because it is expected that the ongoing recruitment drive, as aggressive, they will produce only small and decisive moves, it is clear that December 14th will not be the first date of reversal. The turnaround may know this and will play their cards later, a crisis of government formally opened. And 'know, for example, that there is a pattuglietta of senators who are gathering about Pisanu, ready to break with the PDL at the right time, maybe if Napolitano decides to ask to carry out "exploratory" its former interior minister. Currently however, the project turnaround appears to be very weak: it springs from a narrow majority in numbers, politically very heterogeneous, subject to the continuous attack on the face of Berlusconi's lack of "electoral legitimacy." A real turnaround could be achieved only if a significant erosion of the PDL, with the separation of components well beyond those images today. E 'can be determined that such a scenario? Yes, but only if the card was played extreme dramatization of the financial situation. One possibility not excluded, but has many drawbacks. If a strictly financial recognize the emergency power it can even end up on the political front would have to acknowledge what has always denied, and the social make clear the prospect of a violent attack on the living conditions of the working classes, perhaps turning the dust of class conflict. To these observations, one can certainly argue that the emergency will sooner or later have to acknowledge and that - from the standpoint of the ruling classes - a government 's "emergency" may also be the best solution to prevent, reduce and eventually suppress the conflict social. These are the thoughts - we can be sure - that make the situation far from certain on the top floors of the buildings and not just policy. E 'uncertainty that has dragged on for months and that unbelievably does not have an outlet sure. For this reason, the lack of projects really strong, the weakness of those who should direct them to the fragility of the political actors in the field (think of "Finian" but not only), the most likely hypothesis is that the elections anticipated in early 2011. ********** In early August, after the expulsion of the PDL Fini, writing that had come " Current of the Dead." Well, the tactics exasperated the reverse continues, we look forward to these months, they tell us exactly that: the time of the Dead is certainly not over, the Italian ruling classes (not just political ones) come completely unprepared to redde rationem of an economic crisis that is intertwined with the political and institutional. The same early elections - if you will - will submit all unresolved issues to date of what will be the configuration of the grid which is any opposition to Berlusconi? Who will be the candidate for prime minister? How can there be a third pole of the bipolar current law? Unresolved issues that contribute to procrastination of these weeks, however, nodes that can not be delayed much longer. For now we are propaganda. Berlusconi said yesterday that "if we went to the election defeat them all," adding that those who fail to vote confidence, "will assume responsibility for having betrayed the voters and will be marked for life by the brand of treason and disloyalty. " A little 'comic response Fini, after ensuring that however you will not go to elections, said: "The first betrayal is by those that have always defined the PDL as a party and plural mass of love" . This phraseology is a bit 'absurd and bully, if one side is the living proof of the baseness reached from Italian politics, says the one thing there: the power struggle between the two blocks systemic (for simplification, "Berlusconi" el " antiberlusconiano ") is projected to go no holds barred. If this happens, despite the convergence substantial of the two blocks above the key points of economic policy, but also and especially for the very special characteristics of Silvio Berlusconi. He arrived at sunset, but it is said that he is still realized, nor, probably, his closest associates will be bothered to explain it without too much pretense. Otherwise, he would certainly have sought an honorable exit from the scene, accompanied by a secure safe passage in the courts. He did not, instead getting ready for a final electoral battle, the only card that still remains (if you wish to exclude the output stage), but hardly an asset at less than colossal mistakes by opponents. Of course, nobody can exclude that the agreement will be sought in extremis by Berlusconi embarrassed by the formal opening of the crisis of governance, but we can say now is that that scenario seems quite unlikely. We therefore announce ********** weeks still confused with the background, the prospect of early elections, perhaps just as confused. We arrived in the meantime, the second attack I (like Italy) of PIIGS? E 'this is the decisive variable. And that is what the two blocks in the fight speak the same language and use the same silence. Orders for both the EU and the ECB is no dogma to be met, node for both the public debt will be addressed (discussed, not resolved it is clearly impossible) with a policy of heavy sacrifices. E 'on these issues, Europe and the debt, that a new opposition should begin to take shape. Against Berlusconi and against the blockade that will ferry the country to the Government of 3M (Marchionne, Marcegaglia, Montezemolo). leave the European Union, national sovereignty and regain the monetary target is now a mature, who by chance is making inroads in popular movements that oppose the European policies in the countries most affected so far (Greece, Ireland, Portugal). The Union's crisis is so great that even a few days ago, Merkel has spoken explicitly of the fact that some countries will leave the euro and declare bankruptcy, the so-called default . What is the point in these conditions, clinging to Europe, the euro, to the dictates of the ECB? The only reason to do this is that the Italian ruling class are simply terrified by the fact that the policy back to have some say in economic decisions. And 'the terror of democracy, the nightmare that people can repossess of some power. And that, in so doing, they understand the urgent need to discard the entire ruling class, to liquidate the financial oligarchies and start thinking about economy addressed to the satisfaction of people's interests. How would that time, we're all in this together. This applies to the question of Europe, anti-democratic and oligarchic structure that serves only the interests of lorsignori, but it is also true with regard to the crucial node of the public debt. How can we not understand that the current management of public debt is the main tool to download the costs of the crisis on working class? How can we not understand that this sword of Damocles, that justifies every government crap regardless of who governs, it is no longer tolerable? Put on the agenda the issue of zeroing of the public debt is indeed increasingly urgent. But not expect that this can be done by any of the policy components that make up the two blocks involved in the current power struggle. The objective of this struggle is not only political power but also the positioning of various segments of the dominant bloc in the moment you lay choices really terrible. If we do not want the game remains in the hands of such only, it is therefore a qualitative leap towards the construction of a new opposition to an alternative anti-capitalist. A quantum leap in the struggle, in opposition to the entire current political system, the identification of priorities for a stage of having the heart to leave the EU and the goal of zeroing public debt. E 'asking too much? Perhaps, but there are alternatives to the social massacre at the door, regardless of the policy scenarios on which we focused in this article. Scenarios that in any case we speak of an entire political class subservient to economic power. A political class to send home. Whole. |
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manipulative operation engineered by the Mayor and the Councillor Vincent Ranieri did not go through. The observatory is not currently enjoys no popular legitimacy. Thank goodness for the project are the silent majority.
manipulative operation engineered by the Mayor and the Councillor Vincent Ranieri did not go through. The observatory is not currently enjoys no popular legitimacy. Thank goodness for the project are the silent majority.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
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Yes Murta, No gutter! / 2
InformaGenova Taken from the site, a few days ago:
"Ten Genoese citizens who compose the local observatory on the eaves of the West, an instrument of control of the new highway works, will be elected next Sunday, November 28, from 9 am to 19 municipalities in Valpolcevera, West, Middle West and Midwest. In announcing this morning in Genoa, Councillor for Cultural Affairs, Andrea Ranieri, said it''is the first time Italy in which citizens elect to be part of a body with the task of monitoring the proper implementation of public works so ' important.'' Potential voters in the Town Hall offices will be interested in Valpolcevera 48,000, 12,000 in Western, Central-West in 6995 and 954 in the Middle West. 5 people will be elected in Valpolcevera, 3 in the west, one in the Middle West and 1 to Sampierdarena. "
Suggested reading This Video: # p/c/2BFE7B51576D8B4C
InformaGenova Taken from the site, a few days ago:
"Ten Genoese citizens who compose the local observatory on the eaves of the West, an instrument of control of the new highway works, will be elected next Sunday, November 28, from 9 am to 19 municipalities in Valpolcevera, West, Middle West and Midwest. In announcing this morning in Genoa, Councillor for Cultural Affairs, Andrea Ranieri, said it''is the first time Italy in which citizens elect to be part of a body with the task of monitoring the proper implementation of public works so ' important.'' Potential voters in the Town Hall offices will be interested in Valpolcevera 48,000, 12,000 in Western, Central-West in 6995 and 954 in the Middle West. 5 people will be elected in Valpolcevera, 3 in the west, one in the Middle West and 1 to Sampierdarena. "
Suggested reading This Video: # p/c/2BFE7B51576D8B4C
Friday, November 26, 2010
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Alternative encourages its members to attend the meeting Wednesday, December 1, at 18 30,
at the hall "Paride Batini, community San Benedetto, Via
Buozzi 17
At the meeting there will be representatives of local committees and movements that have formed the group That teach! Reclaim Genoa, a group that aims to unite all reality "anti-system" and engaged in homeland defense.
Alternative encourages its members to attend the meeting Wednesday, December 1, at 18 30,
at the hall "Paride Batini, community San Benedetto, Via
Buozzi 17
At the meeting there will be representatives of local committees and movements that have formed the group That teach! Reclaim Genoa, a group that aims to unite all reality "anti-system" and engaged in homeland defense.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
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The Big Bad Wolf
This video dates back to a few weeks ago. we represent the interests of television news.
This video dates back to a few weeks ago. we represent the interests of television news.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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SOURCE: The Journal
a problem more for Marta Vincenzi and Pd. Now the spaccasinistra there and is a long-time companion. Giulietto Church was elected national president of 'Alternative', the new party was created to bring together the various movements. Just keep at Genoa baptism the debut of new competitors in the viewfinder which puts the next election. And in the spring of 2012, which will elect the new tenant of Palazzo Tursi, will certainly be ready to run with a force to worry about the sides 'classic'.
'Alternative' announces that it has already put together about 500 activists in nine regions of Italy, but its roots in Liguria boasts the strongest, considering that the next president Giulietto Church, another Genoese Badiale Marino, was elected secretary the national party. Not only that. "Do not run alone - lets you know Fabrizio Tringali, head organizer of the" Alternative "- Just because we are neighbors and close contact with the movements of all kinds, we are preparing an alliance structure. Here in Genoa we are already in contact with the group of Beppe Grillo, with "No gutter" with the committee Scarpino, with the movement for the decline. And figures from the academic world have already approached us. "
The policy is clearly at odds with the center and center right, that even in view of the runoff could seek consensus and support with Giulietto Church and his companions. The former Communist Party leader, then with Di Pietro MEP and Occhetto, he turned toward the movement. But this time could be the loose cannon that can remove the Democratic Party and its allies, those few votes so far in Genoa have already guaranteed a victory in the first round. If the center would not serve any division to bring opponents on the ballot, the split on the left is likely to be decisive. Also because the "alternative" speaks the language easier to collect the votes of protest. That is what scares most Marta Vincenzi and who supports it.
Monday, November 1, 2010
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Who Am I scary for growth is against the redistribution
RICH-POOR GAP IN THE INCREASE in America "classless"
Global Research
10% of the population controls 96% of the wealth
In America classless, talking about the so-called "gap" (difference, ndt) growing between rich and poor is an understatement, because there is an accelerated class struggle against American workers and the poor at the hands of a minority that owns or has access to a lot of power and wealth.
The "Census Bureau (U.S. Bureau of Census, ndt) reported Sept. 24 that the income gap between rich and poor Americans in 2009 was the largest ever reached since the data are available. A subsequent
Census Bureau report revealed that two weeks before the largest increase in "year-to-year (from year to year, ndt) of poverty in America was in 2009, although 43.6 million poor people are to be considered a serious underestimate, based on metrics obsolete. Young employees and children are falling rapidly at the foot of the mound. Last year, the largest jump in poverty was made by adults "less qualified" between 18 and 24 years of age, 20% of our children live in poverty.
On 28 September, the Associated Press reported that "20% of Americans who earn more - those whose income exceeds the $ 100,000 per year - received 49.4% of the total income produced in the United States, compared to 3.4% received by those below poverty line, according to the most recent Census Bureau. This ratio is 14.5 to 1 up from 13.6 in 2008 and almost double the minimum of 7.69 in 1968. "
" Another measure, the Gini index International, showed the Income inequality in America (also in 2009, NDT) at its highest level since the Census Bureau began to follow the household income in 1967. In addition, the United States has the greatest disparity between the industrialized nations of the OECD members (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, ndt). "
Here are some recent statements and statistics that show how deep the chasm between the upper class and the rest of American society, from the poorest of the poor class working and middle class.
(Note in the following paragraphs, the difference between "income", that is what you earn in a year, and "wealth", ie more income assets - assets for which means everything you have, from the house, car and furniture to real estate, savings, stocks and bonds, luxury yachts, jewels ...)
According to the Wall Street Journal, a 2008 study on wealth in the U.S. indicates that 0.01% of wealthiest people (one-hundredth of one percent, or 14,000 American families) owns 22.2% of the country's wealth . The poorest 90%, or over 133 million households, controls only 4%. The remaining 9.99% of the rich living with the remaining 73.8% of wealth.
David DeGraw wrote that "a recent study by Capgemini and Merrill Lynch Wealth Management shows that a mere 1% of Americans are accumulating U.S. $ 13 trillion in" investable wealth "[...] and that not even take into account all the money they have hidden in offshore accounts. "
A recent report by Ray B. Williams states that "The U.S. Census Bureau and the 'World Wealth Report 2010' (World Wealth Report 2010, all of Capgemini and Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, ndt) show both increases to 5% of the richest families, even during the current slowdown. On the basis of data from the 'Internal Revenue Service' (Internal Revenue Service or U.S. Treasury, ndt), the wealthiest 1% has tripled its share of the income pie in the U.S. in a single generation. In 1980, the same 1% of income each took $ 1 $ 15, while it takes 3 hours. [...] The inequality of income has continued to grow since the late 1970s and now stands at a level never seen by the 'Gilded Age' (1870-1900) (Belle Epoque American NDT), American historical period characterized by the contrast between the excesses of the super rich and the squalor of the poor. " According to Paul Buchheit
of DePaul University in 1965, the average salary of a 'CEO' (general manager, ndt) of a major American company was 25 times that of an average worker. Today, the average salary for a CEO is over 250 times that of an average worker. "The New York Times on March 31, 2010 stated that" The leaders of 'hedge funds' (high-risk investment funds, ndt) more paid the race went wild stock market to record gains: according to the survey, the 25 directors at the top of the league pocketed a total of 25.3 billion, surpassing the record of a good margin in 2007. "The annual GDP of almost 90 UN member states is less than what these people have won last year. The highest-paid manager on the list was David Tepper dell'Appaloosa Management, who last year pocketed $ 4 billion.
2009 will also been an economic disaster for a record number of Americans, but for the caste of the nation's millionaires - and millionaires, of course - was an excellent year. According to Forbes Magazine, 2009 "was prosperous for billionaires, "with Bill Gates that I get 13 billion (extending his capital to 53 billion) and Warren Buffett 10 (with total assets of 47 billion). 1.011
are billionaires in the world (of which 40% of Americans), with an average equity of 3.6 billion - just over the "assets" held by the poorest half of the world population.
Throughout their lives, the average American is taught in school, church and corporate mass media that their society is a classless society and that the very notion of classes, class struggle or class war is not nothing more than propaganda for the left.
The differences in pay are allowed, but they say that since mobility (social, ndt) upwards and the American Dream are available to anyone who works hard, in fact there is only one class, despite different levels of wealth. It's called middle class, presumably with different statistical subdivisions for the very rich and very poor. But the "Dream" and the upward mobility not only have never been available to all, have also been substantially reduced over the last thirty years, many new generations of working families.
How often we hear politicians from both parties in power or who administer the government to refer to the working class, lower middle class, lower class or upper class and the ruling class?
the United States, almost all those who earn between $ 25,000 and $ 250,000 per year appear to be grouped in this middle class, this is an absurd parody of the real class relations. Representatives of these two extremes have to pay little or nothing in common except the class that he appears to have been given.
Millions of people living in poverty are called "the poor" and are often targeted in the "public mind" (public imagination, ndt), because of their own miserable living conditions (lazy, apathetic, ignorant) . The super rich are called "1% at the top" and those who are rich are simply called "10% on top of the list" and are often admired and thanked for creating the jobs that prevent those who inhabit the middle class from sliding towards the low in rank of the poor.
During the last three or four decades, the upper class and its agents have accelerated a campaign against the wages and living standards of the working class / lower middle class and, more recently, against the middle class, pushing more people in lower classes. An example of this is the abandonment of the correlation between wages and productivity gains, as existed in the first three decades after the Second World War, another example is the erosion of progressive taxation.
Furthermore, the influence of money on the White House and Congress has resulted in the fact that virtually no significant legislation in the field of social services is out of Washington for 40 years. President Obama promotes his health care legislation as if it were a major breakthrough progressive, but the apex of the social contribution, the current administration is to the right of the propositions of the 1948 Democratic President Harry Truman and the program of the 1972 Republican President Richard Nixon. The problem
is not only the disproportionate amount of money in the hands of a minority while the quality of life of most American families is chafing, but that is what is done with all that money. It is used to elect presidents, governors and mayors in most cities. Elect members of the House, Senate and state legislatures. If you have millions to spend without batting an eye, you have power in America, often decisive power and this is mainly used to further the interests of those who "have", as opposed to those who "have not."
is what it means class war, war that nowadays seems to have been declared only 10% at the top (upper class), which controls 96% of the wealth, compared to 90% (from working class to the middle and lower), which controls only 4%. By the way, 50% less wealthy population represents only a pathetic 1% of the wealth of America.
Would not it perhaps time that 90% "below" get up, fight back and claim his share?
Original title: "What Classless Society? The Growing Rich-Poor Gap in" classless "America" \u200b\u200b
RICH-POOR GAP IN THE INCREASE in America "classless"
Global Research
10% of the population controls 96% of the wealth
In America classless, talking about the so-called "gap" (difference, ndt) growing between rich and poor is an understatement, because there is an accelerated class struggle against American workers and the poor at the hands of a minority that owns or has access to a lot of power and wealth.
The "Census Bureau (U.S. Bureau of Census, ndt) reported Sept. 24 that the income gap between rich and poor Americans in 2009 was the largest ever reached since the data are available. A subsequent
Census Bureau report revealed that two weeks before the largest increase in "year-to-year (from year to year, ndt) of poverty in America was in 2009, although 43.6 million poor people are to be considered a serious underestimate, based on metrics obsolete. Young employees and children are falling rapidly at the foot of the mound. Last year, the largest jump in poverty was made by adults "less qualified" between 18 and 24 years of age, 20% of our children live in poverty.
On 28 September, the Associated Press reported that "20% of Americans who earn more - those whose income exceeds the $ 100,000 per year - received 49.4% of the total income produced in the United States, compared to 3.4% received by those below poverty line, according to the most recent Census Bureau. This ratio is 14.5 to 1 up from 13.6 in 2008 and almost double the minimum of 7.69 in 1968. "
" Another measure, the Gini index International, showed the Income inequality in America (also in 2009, NDT) at its highest level since the Census Bureau began to follow the household income in 1967. In addition, the United States has the greatest disparity between the industrialized nations of the OECD members (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, ndt). "
Here are some recent statements and statistics that show how deep the chasm between the upper class and the rest of American society, from the poorest of the poor class working and middle class.
(Note in the following paragraphs, the difference between "income", that is what you earn in a year, and "wealth", ie more income assets - assets for which means everything you have, from the house, car and furniture to real estate, savings, stocks and bonds, luxury yachts, jewels ...)
According to the Wall Street Journal, a 2008 study on wealth in the U.S. indicates that 0.01% of wealthiest people (one-hundredth of one percent, or 14,000 American families) owns 22.2% of the country's wealth . The poorest 90%, or over 133 million households, controls only 4%. The remaining 9.99% of the rich living with the remaining 73.8% of wealth.
David DeGraw wrote that "a recent study by Capgemini and Merrill Lynch Wealth Management shows that a mere 1% of Americans are accumulating U.S. $ 13 trillion in" investable wealth "[...] and that not even take into account all the money they have hidden in offshore accounts. "
A recent report by Ray B. Williams states that "The U.S. Census Bureau and the 'World Wealth Report 2010' (World Wealth Report 2010, all of Capgemini and Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, ndt) show both increases to 5% of the richest families, even during the current slowdown. On the basis of data from the 'Internal Revenue Service' (Internal Revenue Service or U.S. Treasury, ndt), the wealthiest 1% has tripled its share of the income pie in the U.S. in a single generation. In 1980, the same 1% of income each took $ 1 $ 15, while it takes 3 hours. [...] The inequality of income has continued to grow since the late 1970s and now stands at a level never seen by the 'Gilded Age' (1870-1900) (Belle Epoque American NDT), American historical period characterized by the contrast between the excesses of the super rich and the squalor of the poor. " According to Paul Buchheit
of DePaul University in 1965, the average salary of a 'CEO' (general manager, ndt) of a major American company was 25 times that of an average worker. Today, the average salary for a CEO is over 250 times that of an average worker. "The New York Times on March 31, 2010 stated that" The leaders of 'hedge funds' (high-risk investment funds, ndt) more paid the race went wild stock market to record gains: according to the survey, the 25 directors at the top of the league pocketed a total of 25.3 billion, surpassing the record of a good margin in 2007. "The annual GDP of almost 90 UN member states is less than what these people have won last year. The highest-paid manager on the list was David Tepper dell'Appaloosa Management, who last year pocketed $ 4 billion.
2009 will also been an economic disaster for a record number of Americans, but for the caste of the nation's millionaires - and millionaires, of course - was an excellent year. According to Forbes Magazine, 2009 "was prosperous for billionaires, "with Bill Gates that I get 13 billion (extending his capital to 53 billion) and Warren Buffett 10 (with total assets of 47 billion). 1.011
are billionaires in the world (of which 40% of Americans), with an average equity of 3.6 billion - just over the "assets" held by the poorest half of the world population.
Throughout their lives, the average American is taught in school, church and corporate mass media that their society is a classless society and that the very notion of classes, class struggle or class war is not nothing more than propaganda for the left.
The differences in pay are allowed, but they say that since mobility (social, ndt) upwards and the American Dream are available to anyone who works hard, in fact there is only one class, despite different levels of wealth. It's called middle class, presumably with different statistical subdivisions for the very rich and very poor. But the "Dream" and the upward mobility not only have never been available to all, have also been substantially reduced over the last thirty years, many new generations of working families.
How often we hear politicians from both parties in power or who administer the government to refer to the working class, lower middle class, lower class or upper class and the ruling class?
the United States, almost all those who earn between $ 25,000 and $ 250,000 per year appear to be grouped in this middle class, this is an absurd parody of the real class relations. Representatives of these two extremes have to pay little or nothing in common except the class that he appears to have been given.
Millions of people living in poverty are called "the poor" and are often targeted in the "public mind" (public imagination, ndt), because of their own miserable living conditions (lazy, apathetic, ignorant) . The super rich are called "1% at the top" and those who are rich are simply called "10% on top of the list" and are often admired and thanked for creating the jobs that prevent those who inhabit the middle class from sliding towards the low in rank of the poor.
During the last three or four decades, the upper class and its agents have accelerated a campaign against the wages and living standards of the working class / lower middle class and, more recently, against the middle class, pushing more people in lower classes. An example of this is the abandonment of the correlation between wages and productivity gains, as existed in the first three decades after the Second World War, another example is the erosion of progressive taxation.
Furthermore, the influence of money on the White House and Congress has resulted in the fact that virtually no significant legislation in the field of social services is out of Washington for 40 years. President Obama promotes his health care legislation as if it were a major breakthrough progressive, but the apex of the social contribution, the current administration is to the right of the propositions of the 1948 Democratic President Harry Truman and the program of the 1972 Republican President Richard Nixon. The problem
is not only the disproportionate amount of money in the hands of a minority while the quality of life of most American families is chafing, but that is what is done with all that money. It is used to elect presidents, governors and mayors in most cities. Elect members of the House, Senate and state legislatures. If you have millions to spend without batting an eye, you have power in America, often decisive power and this is mainly used to further the interests of those who "have", as opposed to those who "have not."
is what it means class war, war that nowadays seems to have been declared only 10% at the top (upper class), which controls 96% of the wealth, compared to 90% (from working class to the middle and lower), which controls only 4%. By the way, 50% less wealthy population represents only a pathetic 1% of the wealth of America.
Would not it perhaps time that 90% "below" get up, fight back and claim his share?
Original title: "What Classless Society? The Growing Rich-Poor Gap in" classless "America" \u200b\u200b
Monday, October 25, 2010
Watch Brent Corrigan For Free Online
Dear participants in the two days of Alternative,
for those arriving on Friday, see you in the evening to talk to
Juliet Pandora TV.
The appointment is Friday 29 October at 20.45 in Genoa, at the civic center
Remigio Zena, in The Ascent of Prion 26 Procedure 1.
(The ascent of the Prion is the steep road that leaves from Piazza delle Erbe and goes to Port
Soprana - Piazza Dante).
Dear participants in the two days of Alternative,
for those arriving on Friday, see you in the evening to talk to
Juliet Pandora TV.
The appointment is Friday 29 October at 20.45 in Genoa, at the civic center
Remigio Zena, in The Ascent of Prion 26 Procedure 1.
(The ascent of the Prion is the steep road that leaves from Piazza delle Erbe and goes to Port
Soprana - Piazza Dante).
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Infrared Range Of Tv Remote Led
article to read absolutely Yes
"Working more to earn less" Rage in the cage French EU
globalresearch . ca
The French are again on strike, are blocking the transport, unleash hell on the streets and everything just because the government wants to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62 years. They must be crazy.
This, I suppose, is the way it is seen that the mass movement under way in France, or at least has shown, much of the world, and especially in Anglo-Saxon world. Perhaps the first thing that needs to be said about the mass strikes is that they are not really about "raising the retirement age from 60 to 62 years." This is a bit like describing the capitalist free market as a sort of lemonade stand. Simplification propaganda on very complex issues. Allows commenters to break through an open door. After all, they wisely observed, people in other countries are working up to 65 or more years, so why discourage the French at 62? The population is aging, and if the retirement age is not made up, the pension system will be ruined in the payment of pensions to so many elderly. However, the current protest movement is not about "raising the retirement age from 60 to 62 years." It is much more. First, this movement is an expression of exasperation with the government of Nicolas Sarkozy, who clearly favors the super-rich than the Most people who live in this country. E 'was elected with the slogan "Work more to earn more," and the reality has turned into work harder to earn less. The Minister of Labour, which introduced the reform, Eric Woerth, got a job for his wife in the office of staff of France's richest woman, Liliane Bettencourt, heir to the cosmetics giant L'Oreal, when, as Budget Minister, was flying on his massive tax evasion. While the tax benefits to help drain the public coffers of the rich, this government is doing everything possible to bring down the entire social security system that emerged after the Second World War, under the pretext that "we can not afford it." The issue of retirement is much more complex "retirement age". The statutory retirement age means the age at which you can retire. But the pension depends on the number of years of work, or to be more precise, the number of contributions (payments) in the pension scheme. For the sake of "saving the system from bankruptcy, the government is gradually raising the number of years of contributions from 40 to 43 years, with indications that these will increase further in the future. So while education continues and jobs will start later, for a full pension most people will have to work until 65 or 67 years. A full board would be approximately 40% of wages at retirement. But even so, this may not be possible. The full-time jobs are harder and harder to obtain, and employers do not necessarily want to retain older employees. Or the company goes out of business and an employee of 58 years finds himself permanently out of work. It is becoming increasingly difficult to work full time in the paid workforce of more than 40 years, however much we decide to want it. So, in practice, Sarkozy, Woerth reform simply means the reduction of pensions. That, in fact, is what the European Union has recommended that all its member states, such as economic measure designed, like most of the current reforms to reduce the social costs in the name of "competitiveness", which means competition to attract investment capital. The low-skilled workers, which, instead of continuing his studies, entered the world of work by young, say eighteen years of age, join a scheme for 42 years until age 60 if they really succeed in being used for all this time. Statistics show that their expectation life is relatively short, therefore they need to abandon the first to enjoy any retirement. The French system is based on solidarity between generations, as workers' contributions to today go to pay the pensions of today. The government has subtly tried to put one generation against another, claiming that it is necessary to safeguard the future of young people today, they are paying for retirement "baby boom". E 'therefore highly significant that this week's high school and college students have begun to enter the massive strikes in protest movement. This generational solidarity is a blow to the government.
Young people are also more radical than are the older trade unionists. I am very aware of the growing difficulties in building a career. The tendency for qualified personnel is to enter the world of work later and later, after years of receiving an education. With the difficulty of finding a stable job full-time, many are dependent on their parents until the age of 30 years. It 's the simple arithmetic shows that, in this case, there will be no full board up to more than 70 years.
Productivity and deindustrialization
As has become standard practice, the authors of the reforms the neo-liberals do not have a choice but a necessity. There is no alternative. We must compete on the global market. We must do this or we will go to ruin. And this reform was primarily driven by the European Union, in a 2003 report which concluded that, as people worked longer, it was necessary to cut pension costs. These dictates prevent any discussion of two key factors driving the pension problem: productivity and industrialization. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, that the former Socialist Party that leads the relatively new Left Party, is virtually the only leader to point out that, although there are fewer workers contributing to pension schemes, the difference may be the growth of productivity. In fact, the productivity of French workers is among the highest in the world (higher than Germany, for example). Moreover, even if France has the second highest life expectancy in Europe, also has the highest birth rate. And even if employees are less, because of unemployment, the wealth they produce should be sufficient to maintain their levels of pension. Ah, but here's the catch: for decades, while productivity was rising, wages stagnant. The profit increase productivity was hijacked in the financial sector. The bubble in the financial sector and the stagnation of purchasing power have led to the financial crisis and the government has preserved the imbalance through the rescue of the dissolute financiers.
So, logically, the maintenance of the pension system basically requires the increase in wages to take account of increased productivity, a very important policy change. But there is another crucial problem related to the issue of pensions: the de-industrialization. In order to maintain high profits drained from the financial sector, and avoid paying higher wages, an industry after another has moved its production in countries with low labor costs. Profitable enterprises closed, while the funds were in search of profits even higher. And 'this merely the inevitable result of the birth of new industry trends in Asia? And 'This is an inevitable lowering of standards of living in the West due to its origin in the East? Maybe. However, if you move production to China, you end up lowering the purchasing power in the West, and then Chinese exports will suffer. China is taking the first steps towards strengthening the internal market porprio. The "growth led by exports" can not be a strategy for everyone. Prosperity world really depends on strengthening both the domestic production of domestic markets. But this requires some sort of deliberate industrial policy has been banned by the bureaucrats of globalization: the World Trade Organization and the European Union. They work with the tenets of "comparative advantage" and "free competition". For the sake of free markets, China is actually faced with sanctions for the promotion of its solar energy industry, vitally needed to put an end to air pollution that afflicts this country. The world economy is treated as a big game, where you follow the "rules of the free market" is more important to the environment or the basic needs of human beings. Only the financiers can win this game. And if they lose, well, they get even more firm by the governments subservient to another game.
Where will it all end?
You should end up in something like a democratic revolution: a comprehensive review of economic policy. But there are many solid reasons why this will not happen. First, there is no political leadership in France is ready and able to bring a truly radical movement. Mélenchon is what comes closest, but his party is new and its base is still narrow. The radical left is paralyzed by his chronic sectarianism. And there is great confusion among the people in revolt without clear plans and leaders. The labor leaders are fully aware that employees are losing a day's wage for each day that go on strike and, in fact, are always eager to find a way to end the strike. Only students do not suffer from this situation. Trade unionists and Socialist Party leaders do not ask for anything more drastic than that of opening negotiations on the details of the reform. If Sarkozy were not so stubborn, this is a concession that the government could do and could restore calm without changing much. It would take a miraculous birth new leaders to bring the movement forward. But even if that happens, there is a formidable obstacle to a fundamental change: the European Union. The EU was built on the dreams of a peaceful and prosperous united Europe, has become a mechanism for social and economic control of the capital and, in particular, the financial capital. It is also linked to a powerful military alliance, NATO. If left to itself, France would experience in the economic system more just and socially. But the EU is there to prevent just such experiments.
Anglo-Saxon Attitudes
On 19 October, the international television channel France 24 sent a discussion of non-French strikes between 4 observers. The Portuguese woman and Indian man seemed they were trying, with some success, to understand what was happening. On the contrary, both Anglo-American (the Paris correspondent of Time magazine and Stephen Clarke, author of 1000 Years of Annoying the French) you enjoyed the show 's self-complacent inability to understand the country they write for a living. Their simple and quick explanation: "The French are always on strike because they like it."
A little later in the program the presenter showed a short interview with a high school student who provided comments on the serious issue of pensions. Perhaps it would reflect the Anglo-Saxons? The response was instantaneous: "How sad to see a 18 year old to think about pensions when they should think about the girls!" So, whether you do it for fun, or whether they do so instead of fun, to the Anglo-Americans, used to tell the world what they should do, the French are ridiculous.
Original version:
Diana Johnstone
"Working more to earn less" Rage in the cage French EU
globalresearch . ca
The French are again on strike, are blocking the transport, unleash hell on the streets and everything just because the government wants to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62 years. They must be crazy.
This, I suppose, is the way it is seen that the mass movement under way in France, or at least has shown, much of the world, and especially in Anglo-Saxon world. Perhaps the first thing that needs to be said about the mass strikes is that they are not really about "raising the retirement age from 60 to 62 years." This is a bit like describing the capitalist free market as a sort of lemonade stand. Simplification propaganda on very complex issues. Allows commenters to break through an open door. After all, they wisely observed, people in other countries are working up to 65 or more years, so why discourage the French at 62? The population is aging, and if the retirement age is not made up, the pension system will be ruined in the payment of pensions to so many elderly. However, the current protest movement is not about "raising the retirement age from 60 to 62 years." It is much more. First, this movement is an expression of exasperation with the government of Nicolas Sarkozy, who clearly favors the super-rich than the Most people who live in this country. E 'was elected with the slogan "Work more to earn more," and the reality has turned into work harder to earn less. The Minister of Labour, which introduced the reform, Eric Woerth, got a job for his wife in the office of staff of France's richest woman, Liliane Bettencourt, heir to the cosmetics giant L'Oreal, when, as Budget Minister, was flying on his massive tax evasion. While the tax benefits to help drain the public coffers of the rich, this government is doing everything possible to bring down the entire social security system that emerged after the Second World War, under the pretext that "we can not afford it." The issue of retirement is much more complex "retirement age". The statutory retirement age means the age at which you can retire. But the pension depends on the number of years of work, or to be more precise, the number of contributions (payments) in the pension scheme. For the sake of "saving the system from bankruptcy, the government is gradually raising the number of years of contributions from 40 to 43 years, with indications that these will increase further in the future. So while education continues and jobs will start later, for a full pension most people will have to work until 65 or 67 years. A full board would be approximately 40% of wages at retirement. But even so, this may not be possible. The full-time jobs are harder and harder to obtain, and employers do not necessarily want to retain older employees. Or the company goes out of business and an employee of 58 years finds himself permanently out of work. It is becoming increasingly difficult to work full time in the paid workforce of more than 40 years, however much we decide to want it. So, in practice, Sarkozy, Woerth reform simply means the reduction of pensions. That, in fact, is what the European Union has recommended that all its member states, such as economic measure designed, like most of the current reforms to reduce the social costs in the name of "competitiveness", which means competition to attract investment capital. The low-skilled workers, which, instead of continuing his studies, entered the world of work by young, say eighteen years of age, join a scheme for 42 years until age 60 if they really succeed in being used for all this time. Statistics show that their expectation life is relatively short, therefore they need to abandon the first to enjoy any retirement. The French system is based on solidarity between generations, as workers' contributions to today go to pay the pensions of today. The government has subtly tried to put one generation against another, claiming that it is necessary to safeguard the future of young people today, they are paying for retirement "baby boom". E 'therefore highly significant that this week's high school and college students have begun to enter the massive strikes in protest movement. This generational solidarity is a blow to the government.
Young people are also more radical than are the older trade unionists. I am very aware of the growing difficulties in building a career. The tendency for qualified personnel is to enter the world of work later and later, after years of receiving an education. With the difficulty of finding a stable job full-time, many are dependent on their parents until the age of 30 years. It 's the simple arithmetic shows that, in this case, there will be no full board up to more than 70 years.
Productivity and deindustrialization
As has become standard practice, the authors of the reforms the neo-liberals do not have a choice but a necessity. There is no alternative. We must compete on the global market. We must do this or we will go to ruin. And this reform was primarily driven by the European Union, in a 2003 report which concluded that, as people worked longer, it was necessary to cut pension costs. These dictates prevent any discussion of two key factors driving the pension problem: productivity and industrialization. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, that the former Socialist Party that leads the relatively new Left Party, is virtually the only leader to point out that, although there are fewer workers contributing to pension schemes, the difference may be the growth of productivity. In fact, the productivity of French workers is among the highest in the world (higher than Germany, for example). Moreover, even if France has the second highest life expectancy in Europe, also has the highest birth rate. And even if employees are less, because of unemployment, the wealth they produce should be sufficient to maintain their levels of pension. Ah, but here's the catch: for decades, while productivity was rising, wages stagnant. The profit increase productivity was hijacked in the financial sector. The bubble in the financial sector and the stagnation of purchasing power have led to the financial crisis and the government has preserved the imbalance through the rescue of the dissolute financiers.
So, logically, the maintenance of the pension system basically requires the increase in wages to take account of increased productivity, a very important policy change. But there is another crucial problem related to the issue of pensions: the de-industrialization. In order to maintain high profits drained from the financial sector, and avoid paying higher wages, an industry after another has moved its production in countries with low labor costs. Profitable enterprises closed, while the funds were in search of profits even higher. And 'this merely the inevitable result of the birth of new industry trends in Asia? And 'This is an inevitable lowering of standards of living in the West due to its origin in the East? Maybe. However, if you move production to China, you end up lowering the purchasing power in the West, and then Chinese exports will suffer. China is taking the first steps towards strengthening the internal market porprio. The "growth led by exports" can not be a strategy for everyone. Prosperity world really depends on strengthening both the domestic production of domestic markets. But this requires some sort of deliberate industrial policy has been banned by the bureaucrats of globalization: the World Trade Organization and the European Union. They work with the tenets of "comparative advantage" and "free competition". For the sake of free markets, China is actually faced with sanctions for the promotion of its solar energy industry, vitally needed to put an end to air pollution that afflicts this country. The world economy is treated as a big game, where you follow the "rules of the free market" is more important to the environment or the basic needs of human beings. Only the financiers can win this game. And if they lose, well, they get even more firm by the governments subservient to another game.
Where will it all end?
You should end up in something like a democratic revolution: a comprehensive review of economic policy. But there are many solid reasons why this will not happen. First, there is no political leadership in France is ready and able to bring a truly radical movement. Mélenchon is what comes closest, but his party is new and its base is still narrow. The radical left is paralyzed by his chronic sectarianism. And there is great confusion among the people in revolt without clear plans and leaders. The labor leaders are fully aware that employees are losing a day's wage for each day that go on strike and, in fact, are always eager to find a way to end the strike. Only students do not suffer from this situation. Trade unionists and Socialist Party leaders do not ask for anything more drastic than that of opening negotiations on the details of the reform. If Sarkozy were not so stubborn, this is a concession that the government could do and could restore calm without changing much. It would take a miraculous birth new leaders to bring the movement forward. But even if that happens, there is a formidable obstacle to a fundamental change: the European Union. The EU was built on the dreams of a peaceful and prosperous united Europe, has become a mechanism for social and economic control of the capital and, in particular, the financial capital. It is also linked to a powerful military alliance, NATO. If left to itself, France would experience in the economic system more just and socially. But the EU is there to prevent just such experiments.
Anglo-Saxon Attitudes
On 19 October, the international television channel France 24 sent a discussion of non-French strikes between 4 observers. The Portuguese woman and Indian man seemed they were trying, with some success, to understand what was happening. On the contrary, both Anglo-American (the Paris correspondent of Time magazine and Stephen Clarke, author of 1000 Years of Annoying the French) you enjoyed the show 's self-complacent inability to understand the country they write for a living. Their simple and quick explanation: "The French are always on strike because they like it."
A little later in the program the presenter showed a short interview with a high school student who provided comments on the serious issue of pensions. Perhaps it would reflect the Anglo-Saxons? The response was instantaneous: "How sad to see a 18 year old to think about pensions when they should think about the girls!" So, whether you do it for fun, or whether they do so instead of fun, to the Anglo-Americans, used to tell the world what they should do, the French are ridiculous.
Original version:
Diana Johnstone
Friday, October 22, 2010
Do Aussie Men Wear Jockstraps
Murta, No gutter!
The only thing you can be sure at this moment is that the garrison
not yield.
The question of the gutter is becoming an issue the of Genoa. That's because the tight knot that keeps the crucial issues of our time, such as the management of public resources, the formation of democracy in decisions that affect everyone, land conservation, the development model that Italy must follow.
In this field our opponents main rivals are the right-wing forces together with those on the left, which, in the eaves, as on all the things that really matter, have reached an agreement. Alternative
If he could be these fights, even with the direct involvement of those who run them, there would be no need lucubrate too much on the shape of our movement or program: 'd already become a force able to affect national balances.
ps Last night, on Primocanale, Raffaellea Della Bianca, the PDL has advocated the costitursi "committees for the" yes "and expressed hope that" the silent majorities in favor of the project will soon make you feel. "
is an invitation to pick up. We go to the comparison, let's see who prevails. One reason to support the gutter there are silent majorities, but minorities annoying.
The only thing you can be sure at this moment is that the garrison
not yield.
The question of the gutter is becoming an issue the of Genoa. That's because the tight knot that keeps the crucial issues of our time, such as the management of public resources, the formation of democracy in decisions that affect everyone, land conservation, the development model that Italy must follow.
In this field our opponents main rivals are the right-wing forces together with those on the left, which, in the eaves, as on all the things that really matter, have reached an agreement. Alternative
If he could be these fights, even with the direct involvement of those who run them, there would be no need lucubrate too much on the shape of our movement or program: 'd already become a force able to affect national balances.
ps Last night, on Primocanale, Raffaellea Della Bianca, the PDL has advocated the costitursi "committees for the" yes "and expressed hope that" the silent majorities in favor of the project will soon make you feel. "
is an invitation to pick up. We go to the comparison, let's see who prevails. One reason to support the gutter there are silent majorities, but minorities annoying.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Rogue Status Drum Wrap
An article recommended by Marino Badiale / 2
must be grateful to Toni Negri and Michael Hardt for taking their last substantial effort to the theme of "common" [1] . Recently, in fact, we have witnessed the establishment of a substantial intellectual and popular resistance front around the defense of certain 'public goods', such as water or the environment, which has tried to put up a barrier to the fury rages in privatized industrialized societies for over three decades. It is a very composite face political culture of belonging, but it is recognized in the belief that the "common good" would constitute a tertium genus able to circumvent the opposition considered outdated between 'public' and 'private'. It is therefore welcome any attempt to give these claims adequate theoretical system: test its plausibility is the only way to verify the reasons (or possibly completely wrong) to argue that the opposition between public and private is what today prevent the development of a truly cooperative and shared water management, knowledge, health, energy and cultural heritage.
The "commons" between reality and utopia
Luigi Cavallaro * - October 11, 2010
We see then in detail. The term "common", Hardt and Negri mean, first, "the common wealth of the material world - air, water, fruit land and all the gifts of nature - that in the classical texts of political thought in the Western world is often characterized as the heritage of all mankind to share together. " In this sense, we read from the first pages of the ponderous volume, "the language, the emotions and human expressions are most common." But there is another meaning that Hardt and Negri attribute to the "common", "A" common "- in fact, they say - is to be understood, more precisely, all that is derived from social production."
is worth pointing out that the equivalent postulated between these two meanings lies the real novelty of the reflection of Hardt and Negri. Traditionally, in fact, with the first meaning of the term "common" goods that are designated as the lawyers call "free": not only because they do not belong to anyone, but especially because they are not - to their essence or statutory restrictions - which may appropriation. The air we breathe or the language that allows us to communicate are the most classic examples.
Different speech, however, true for goods (and of course the service) products. Each production presupposes a working process and the latter - in the words of Marx - not necessarily imply 'ownership of natural elements for human needs " [2] , which in turn implies a prior distribution of the means of production according to figures the social relations and the subsumption of individuals working within specific relations of production , that concern is agents of production that the material means necessary to it. And if it is true that every work process uses standard goods that strictly speaking are not susceptible of appropriation (such as air or the language, in fact), is no less true that a profound difference between the remaining ones and the others means assets that are common in the "free" are not in fact be produced through work, so that even those transformations that they undergo in dependence of the human frame in their "natural history"; goods producible by labor are appropriated by specific relations of production and can be "common" if only one being the social form the latter makes them 'not rivals' and 'non exclusive', ie such that their enjoyment by Tom does not prevent a similar enjoyment by Caio.
Evoking Marx intended to suggest that the distinction we have just mentioned has a long tradition and solid theoretical reasons: its primary objective is to escape those idealistic conceptions of social work inspire not only the humanistic illusions of those who see the work as "pure creative activity," but also the modern treatment of the neoclassical economists about the supposed public goods "by nature" (which, well understood, serve to say that everything what is not "naturally the public" should not even be) [3] . But if this is true, the semantic equivalence postulated by Hardt and Negri between the two meanings of 'common' can not be taken in descriptive terms: an analysis should rather legislation, namely, that proves that, even if it was so far, so it should not be.
vain, however, the reader searches in over four hundred pages of the book. Far from explaining the extent to which new relations of production should conceive of the allocation of the labor process and its products in order to move us "beyond the private and the public," Hardt and Negri confine themselves to tell us that the 'biopolitical' process work was the "common" not only as a productive force, but also as a 'form in which wealth is produced' place 'work is increasingly biopolitical self "from the state capital, there would only need to fight in defense of "freedom of the labor force biopolitics" (Make a "guaranteed minimum income at a national or global) and to ensure the world's peoples 'physical infrastructure' which they lack, beginning with a" physical platform (allowing access to wired communication networks in and wireless) "to continue with the" logic (protocols and open source code) "and another" rich in content (the works and scientific research, intellectual and cultural). "
case, however, this amounts to assume what we need instead to prove. The 'autonomy' in fact relates to mode of work and for itself can not tell us anything about the form that takes its product. The very considerable autonomy enjoyed by every manager of an undertaking, for example, does not prevent qualify the product of his labor as a commodity , as well as the autonomy enjoyed by a public official does not preclude recognition of the difference is ch 'is the product of his own activities. The same goes for the character 'commune', ie social, labor process, which is no coincidence that Marx recognized as a typical capitalist industry and we may well report also to the employment by the public sector. After all, if Marx himself spoke a 'capitalist communism' in relation to the process that leads to the partition of the mass of surplus value and the genesis of the average profit [4] , could we not evoke a similar "community of official authority" to refer to the way in which these actually have made it possible to make certain goods and services do not exclude, not rivals? What else should we report what Hardt and Negri call "the town that serves as the basis of biopolitical production 'and who denounce be acquisitive strategies of capitalism? The "dismantling of the institutions of public education," the "privatization of primary education and the drastic reduction of funding for secondary school "may not refer to the destruction of that form of Communism that we have experienced from the economic activities of public authorities?
We do not believe to be wrong if we say that assimilation is typically between capitalism and socialism sessantottino face veil here (and it is a film very often) to the discussion of Hardt and Negri. Claiming that "the" real socialism "was an extraordinary machine of capitalist accumulation," which allegedly used the "tools of Keynesian capitalist powers that had been adopted only in times of cyclical crises," means not only ignore the fact that it was Keynes to be guided in the preparation of the USSR General Theory (and not to copy the Bolsheviks) [5] , but also completely misunderstand the meaning of the 'Keynesian revolution' which just moves from the conviction that the development of our society has given rise to certain needs (such as' urban planning 'or' the conservation of the natural environment, "to repeat his two examples) such that" it is impossible for the individual, even if it wanted to, take the necessary steps "to satisfy them: indeed, "even though he embarks on those undertakings, would be in no position to reap the benefits." Only "if adopted and used strong central governing authority, may spread enormous benefits the entire community [6].
You can add that attribute to the 'biopolitical labor' ability to generate cooperation in a "self" is likely to make an apology to the head of those who coordinated and continuous Minister Sacconi has taken as an archetype for the rewrite of the Statute workers. It is clear that autonomy can be easily declined MISUSE utopia of a society of "free independent producers", which follows that of the Walrasian vision of the perfect competitive market: is not a coincidence that Aldo Bonomi, who first wrote about the "triumph of the many" [7] has finally arrived to assume the role of EDA small business and self employment on the pink pages of the newspaper of Confindustria .
Conversely, if we take seriously the "reforms" requested by Hardt and Negri, it is easy to conclude that entail the nationalization of much of the productive [8] aim is in fact or bend the existing industrial facilities non-capitalist logic of operation, or to organize production for export in order to obtain the necessary transfers technology from abroad (just the manner of the first Soviet Five-Year Plan).
Needless to say, In either case we would not at all 'over the private and the public, "as claimed by Negri, Hardt and other theorists of' common goods' [9] , but firmly within or the other: the market or the state, to call a spade a spade. In this respect we recall the words of polished PJD Wiles, "those who want to de-Stalinized a particular type of economic activity should let the free market, as the Yugoslavs have discovered, as well as those who despise the laws of supply and demand must Stalinized sectors who wish to reform. There is no third way. The economy as a whole can be mixed, but each activity should be the one thing or another. The function of the vast economic Stalinist bureaucracy is to do administratively what the market does this automatically, or the consumer and profit to the producer say what to do (with or without the help of competition between producers) or tell him the central planner. The allocation of resources is made at the periphery or the center, with the market or not. These (four) words show that the dichotomy, command economy or market, is a logically exhaustive " [10] . And if the real radicalism looking rather to recognize that these are still the terms of the alternative?
Monday, January 25, 2010
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