Egypt! Alternative The Egyptian company, meanwhile
Adapted from a whole country does not take the streets for 11 days in a row if it is driven by a need for a boost that goes far beyond the basic requirements at the moment though, those triggered by the economic crisis and lack of freedom to which, however, Egypt bound over 30 years. If not, we would have in place three quarters of the planet.
a country, I believe, occupies the streets and places himself in the game, risking all, when you feel the need to radically redefine their identity, to reshape the perception of themselves and others, of what it is. Not only Egypt will be understood as a political entity to emerge changed by the events we are seeing. Will be the people, will be the company, will the millions of individuals, one by one, took a position in front to themselves and to their people and have demonstrated, putting his face and signature, which way they were. If the stagnation and resignation, or whether, for the first time, with the real possibility of being architects of their own destiny.
The future will not be easy for the Egyptians. Whilst it may be that this uprising and multitudinous - sottolineamolo again - peace does not end the nightmare of repression of the State, will face immense problems in the future. What is clear however is that we are faced with a society that, from the future, let scare. Being
a people whose average age is 24 years means something.
behavior daily life of millions of men and women that we see in the square seems the representation of the model of future society that these guys have in mind: people who personally cleans the streets, the brotherhood among different religious groups, organized collections to distribute food and newspapers , women protagonists and present. It seems there is rhetoric and yet, before our eyes. An explosion of desire to "do good" that comes to the soul of anyone with half a conscience in the right place, and I'm not surprised to know of colleagues who spent the first day of the revolt to cry, literally, of emotion and emotion. It is released that there has always been a force in individuals, and it had failed until now to become a social force, a catalyst for change.
No one can say today what will become of all this tomorrow. We can try to look at what has already happened, though. I have reported from Cairo, for example, an article
a corresponding English saying: "
corresponds in every respect to our perception . The article explains, in short, that the massive participation of women in the protests broke cultural barriers and marked a huge step forward in the assertion of their rights. However, to finish, Egyptian women have earned the respect and admiration of all. And 'something that in the future will be felt.
Another strong point is the reaffirmation of the unity between Christians and Muslims that has endured and continues to endure harsh tests. As the two communities are both much less monolithic as we tend to see them outside, and how the Christian community in particular has a large component in it that has supported and supports Mubarak as a repressor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what we can see is the union - and, most importantly, the desire to merge - Muslims and Christians normal, ordinary people.
not started today. Already
January 7 last thousands of Muslim notables and ordinary citizens, were taken to the streets to act as human shields around the churches where the Christians celebrated their Christmas, shouting "O
we live together or die together . Christians have, in turn, protected the prayer of the Muslims
Friday, January 28, prior to the event which inaugurated the country's information blackout, and on several occasions since then. And today, it's back to the Christians is making Tahrir and images began to circulate, like the one above, priests and imams side by side.
witnessing, I said, the idea of \u200b\u200bsociety that the Egyptians had in mind.
Faced with all this, the veiled threats
, sinister and disturbing that the Minister of Interior
the new government of Mubarak addresses the Nobel Prize and an opponent of the regime El Baradei:
The Egyptian authorities have arrested none of the young who left Tahrir Square. If some are bound to hit a raid is because they must have a character who visited us very angry at this time and that at the time, is guarded by security forces.
Here: This is the government against which they are demonstrating the Egyptians, and this is what they fear to happen when they were leaving the square trusting the word of a Mubarak says that will make elections in seven months. The fulfillment of the threat of a government no longer attracted world attention focused on him, with hands free.
For the international community, to decide which side to take a moral imperative. It's a policy devoid of moral seems clear to me, you can not force a country that is showing that what is proving to Egypt. Not without condemning
mort and thousands of young Egyptians who are there.
(Here, a link - to read, everything - to a young blogger: "
I was not brave, I was protected! )