As you note there are several holidays this year coinciding with the Sunday or even with other holidays (April 25) and has also been included, this year alone, the first day of March 17 for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. In that regard, do a bit of clarity on how they will be paid on the payroll.
Christmas 2011 January 1 - New Year - Saturday
holiday work an extra 50% if only worked
January 6 - Epiphany - Thursday
January 6 - Epiphany - Thursday
holiday work an extra 50% if only worked
17 March - 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy - Thursday
holiday work an extra 50% if only worked
(article 7 bis of Legislative Decree No 64/2010, amended by Law No. 100/2010)
April 17 - Palm Sunday - Sunday
April 17 - Palm Sunday - Sunday
increase Sunday 15% worked only if
April 24 - Easter - Sunday
April 24 - Easter - Sunday
15% surcharge on Sundays only if they worked
April 25 - Liberation / Easter Monday - Monday
April 25 - Liberation / Easter Monday - Monday
holiday work an extra 50% worked only if + 1 / 26 it works or not
Act (March 31, 1954, 90)
May 1 - Labor Day - Sunday
May 1 - Labor Day - Sunday
holiday work only with an extra 50% if it worked + 1 / 26 that they work or not
Act (March 31, 1954, 90)
June 2 - Republic Day - Thursday
Act (March 31, 1954, 90)
June 2 - Republic Day - Thursday
holiday work an extra 50% if only worked
August 15 - August - Monday
August 15 - August - Monday
holiday work an extra 50% if only worked
19 September - the patron saint - Monday
holiday work an extra 50% if only worked
November 1 - All Saints Day - Tuesday
holiday work with an extra 50% if only worked
November 4 - Armed Forces Day - Friday
1 / 26 for holidays deleted it works or not
December 8 - Immaculate Conception - Thursday
December 8 - Immaculate Conception - Thursday
holiday work an extra 50% if only worked
December 25 - Christmas - Sunday
holiday work an extra 50% worked only if a + / 26 that they work or not
Act (March 31, 1954, 90)
December 26 - Boxing Day - Monday
holiday work an extra 50% if worked.
Antonio Carbone
Area Manager-Tax Fistel CISL
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