"Centre for Integrated Services."
The Centre's objective is to guarantee all workers the protection of their rights and comply in full compliance with existing rules, in order to avoid incurring penalties or see their case undermined claims. The Centre provides assistance and tax advice, including: education, compilation, electronic transmission at INPS, INPDAP ENPALS of all types of tax returns, certified checks for immediate ISEE, reduced fees, childcare facilities, scholarships and tuition fees.
E 'possible to ask for tax advice for the planet "Home", writing and calculation statement ICI, cadastral and print newsletters, legal assistance for leases, advice on building maintenance and litigation expenses related to administrative penalties relating to taxes and local taxes. The Centre also
Integrated Services provides services to advocate following the INPS social security institutions, INPDAP ENPALS INAIL and with the authority to investigate all practices laid down by civil pension (old age, disability, retirement, disability ....), Reconstruction activities and forwarding of contributions pension appeals. Allowances and benefits for maternal and accompanying unemployment. A team of lawyers will join the staff authorized for themes related to family law, accident and civil law.
All tax services and assistance to legal counsel, shall be issued "free."
E 'possible to ask for tax advice for the planet "Home", writing and calculation statement ICI, cadastral and print newsletters, legal assistance for leases, advice on building maintenance and litigation expenses related to administrative penalties relating to taxes and local taxes. The Centre also
Integrated Services provides services to advocate following the INPS social security institutions, INPDAP ENPALS INAIL and with the authority to investigate all practices laid down by civil pension (old age, disability, retirement, disability ....), Reconstruction activities and forwarding of contributions pension appeals. Allowances and benefits for maternal and accompanying unemployment. A team of lawyers will join the staff authorized for themes related to family law, accident and civil law.
All tax services and assistance to legal counsel, shall be issued "free."
Ref Assist in the Integrated Service Center FISTel-CISL:
The Regional Secretariat
FISTel-CISL Campania
FISTel-CISL Campania
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