Despite its name, its process of approving the decree of the whole board, including interventions that have nothing to do with the long delays of existing measures and have already sparked controversy as the tax on the cinema or reprint of the social card. Or even more the amnesty on fines to the parties. Indicate the measures that relate more closely to citizens.
New card purchases
New card purchases
buy back the paper, the instrument of support for consumption by the poor. The new social card this time will be managed by institutions "charitable" non-profit distribution to the subjects "in need". It also raises the income threshold Isee (currently € 6,235) to be ineligible. The criteria for deployment and operational details will be defined by a decree of the Ministry of Labour. The new card will be introduced on an experimental basis in 10 Italian cities with more than 250 thousand inhabitants. However, the new social card purchases did not abolish the previous paper which provided a loan of € 40 per month for food expenditure and to pay the bills, aimed at the elderly and families with children under three years. The two systems operate in parallel.
Properties ghost for another month
There is an extra month to "materialize" the ghost houses. Property owners ever reported the tax authorities have until April 30 to declare. After that triggered the sanctions sent an annuity is supposed (pay on what the fees) with effect retroactively from 1 January 2007. It is for the taxpayer to reduce taxes and penalties, to prove that the property was built, for example, in a more recent date.
tax on cinema
Going to cost more. From 1 July 2011 to 31 December 2013, every ticket you will pay a fee of € which will finance the tax breaks for film production. Excludes cinema church or religious community.
Sheet Pink also for scooters
stricter standards to obtain a "license" for scooters. The temporary driving permit valid in the theory test and practical driving exam - better known as "pink sheet" - will also be extended to mopeds and minicar. For the practical test you must have the pink sheet at least a month.
Precarious, claims until December 31 precarious
I have almost one more year to contest the dismissal. The deadline for the appeal, originally set at January 24, slide 31 December 2011. The appeal relates to the fixed-term contracts that were terminated before the entry into force of related work.
tax increase waste
The regions in which it was declared a state of emergency because of earthquake or affected by the problem of waste (see Campania), decide to tax increases, and the additional regional tax on petrol . The Campania region will also have the power to increase the excise additional electricity.
Extension of evictions for the weakest
in densely-populated tenants "disadvantaged" will be eligible for an extension of eviction until December 31, 2011. To qualify for the extension must have an income less than € 27 thousand and dependent children, or people ultra65enni, disabled or terminally ill within the household.
Properties ghost for another month
There is an extra month to "materialize" the ghost houses. Property owners ever reported the tax authorities have until April 30 to declare. After that triggered the sanctions sent an annuity is supposed (pay on what the fees) with effect retroactively from 1 January 2007. It is for the taxpayer to reduce taxes and penalties, to prove that the property was built, for example, in a more recent date.
tax on cinema
Going to cost more. From 1 July 2011 to 31 December 2013, every ticket you will pay a fee of € which will finance the tax breaks for film production. Excludes cinema church or religious community.
Sheet Pink also for scooters
stricter standards to obtain a "license" for scooters. The temporary driving permit valid in the theory test and practical driving exam - better known as "pink sheet" - will also be extended to mopeds and minicar. For the practical test you must have the pink sheet at least a month.
Precarious, claims until December 31 precarious
I have almost one more year to contest the dismissal. The deadline for the appeal, originally set at January 24, slide 31 December 2011. The appeal relates to the fixed-term contracts that were terminated before the entry into force of related work.
tax increase waste
The regions in which it was declared a state of emergency because of earthquake or affected by the problem of waste (see Campania), decide to tax increases, and the additional regional tax on petrol . The Campania region will also have the power to increase the excise additional electricity.
Extension of evictions for the weakest
in densely-populated tenants "disadvantaged" will be eligible for an extension of eviction until December 31, 2011. To qualify for the extension must have an income less than € 27 thousand and dependent children, or people ultra65enni, disabled or terminally ill within the household.
ALS and 5 per thousand
research and care of patients with ALS will be "up to € 100 million" fund of 5 per thousand.
Benefits to local political parties and
We close with a brief review of those two measures designed to make controversy, especially in times of spending cuts for local governments. E 'approved an amnesty for political parties who have collected fines for illegal posting of campaign posters, that is outside the permitted areas. € 1,000 will be enough to definitively settle their administrative inclinations. A measure which will losing to the municipalities, in times of financial Stratta, hundreds of thousands of Euros for fines to be collected. Increase the number of councilmen and aldermen in cities with more than one million inhabitants (Rome and Milan). The board will have 60 elected (rather than 48) and reached 16 members (instead of 12). Also in cities with more than 250 thousand inhabitants will be reintroduced to the attendance fees for the advisers in your area.
Benefits to local political parties and
We close with a brief review of those two measures designed to make controversy, especially in times of spending cuts for local governments. E 'approved an amnesty for political parties who have collected fines for illegal posting of campaign posters, that is outside the permitted areas. € 1,000 will be enough to definitively settle their administrative inclinations. A measure which will losing to the municipalities, in times of financial Stratta, hundreds of thousands of Euros for fines to be collected. Increase the number of councilmen and aldermen in cities with more than one million inhabitants (Rome and Milan). The board will have 60 elected (rather than 48) and reached 16 members (instead of 12). Also in cities with more than 250 thousand inhabitants will be reintroduced to the attendance fees for the advisers in your area.
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