Thursday, March 10, 2011

Full Head Weave With Part And Side Bang

informations Note: shift changes, ROL, ex holidays and vacations. Here comes the CUD

These days there are many questions that the employees Assist us arise and then try to answer as always with accurate and timely information.
- shift change
To date, every employee had available 4 shift changes, that limit did not allow any flexibility in the event that occurred in various difficulties to overcome this limit. From now on every team predisposes to further shift changes that you can ask your TL in order to stem the better the difficulties that may arise for an employee subject to shifts.
- Monetizing ROL and EX-HOLIDAYS '
exceptionally permits not taken within a year of maturation continue to flow into a special account separate hours for a further period of 24 months, to allow the use of the worker . After this period, any hours which are still set aside, will be paid with pay in place during the month of expiry (Art. 26 Section 12 - Article 28 paragraph 6).
The above indicates that the ROL and the EX-HOLIDAYS 'accrued benefits of workers Assist in 2009 will be extended until December 2011 only to be monetized from the same month of December.
- AP
Holidays The holidays should be normally be taken during the year of expertise. In the case of justified reasons of personal and compatbilmente with the production requirements will be granted, the use of residues of leave within the month of February of the year following its fair share. In the case of exceptional needs of service that has made possible the enjoyment of the holiday this year or in case of impossibility arising from a state of illness or injury, any remaining vacation until four weeks will be viewed comfortably within 18 months following the end of ripening (Art. 31 paragraph 2 and 4).
In our case, for all employees that may have accrued vacation for 2010 yet and do not enjoy the same shall proceed to extinguish preferably not later than the period before the summer vacation plan that should start approximately June 15, 2011, or during the months of March-April-May 2011.


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